February 2022

Total Allegiance to Jesus and the Way of the Cross

Allegiance to Jesus
Title:  Total Allegiance to Jesus and the Way of the Cross Title Text:  Isaiah 53 Jesus’ way forewarned in prophesy
  • Isaiah 53
    • Came in humility – v. 2
    • Took care of our greatest needs – v. 4-6
    • Despised and afflicted because of it – v. 3, 7-8
    • God’s will – v. 10a
    • Bigger picture – v. 10b-12
Submission in the Garden
  • Luke 22:39-46
    • Brings His will in line with God’s, becomes an active participant – v. 41-45
    • Does not fight back – v. 47-53
His followers….
  • Peter and John – Acts 4:1-4
  • Stephan – Acts 7
  • Paul – contrast Acts 8:1-3 vs. II Corinthians 11:21-30
To what end? – I Corinthians 9:19-23, I Peter 2:12

The Sheep and the Goats

Title:  The Sheep and the Goats

Text:  Matthew 25:31-46


  • Sheep and goats are just a simile for separation
  • This is a throne scene
  • We are brought into the presence of Jesus
  • All nations, all peoples, are present

None of this is complicated….

  • These tasks are not hard things to do.
  • Neither the blessed nor the punished knew they were serving/not serving Jesus.
  • To live in expectation of His coming is what is expected….

The Rich Young Ruler

Title:  The Rich Young Ruler

Text:  Mark 10:17-31

“Why do you call me good?”

  • Jesus will not be deterred by nice words. This is a society determined to maintain a certain social structure, keeping the “sinners” apart from the “righteous.”
    • Did the young man understand his spiritual condition? 3:23
  • Jesus wants people to think!
    • Requires time… requires space….
    • If we call Jesus “good,” than we are calling Him “God.” If we call Him “God,” we must listen to Him.

Jesus sees the man clearly

  • Jesus is prompted by love….
  • Jesus acts in the man’s best interest….
    • The two above points are synonymous!
  • Jesus knows what stands in the man’s way….
  • Jesus holds out hope!
    • No-one can do enough to enter Heaven – this is by God’s grace!

Jesus turns to the needs of the disciples….

  • Corrects their thinking….
  • Encourages them in their proper decision….

Hope – “At That Time….”

Title:  Hope – “At That Time….”

Main Text:  Jeremiah chs. 30-31

Jeremiah’s shifting emphasis….

  • Hope for Israel – 31:7-9, 15-20
  • Hope for Judah – 31:23-25, 31
  • Through trouble and judgement – 30:7,11; 31:18-19
  • Through God’s character – 30:10-11, 18-22; 31:9, 11, 13-14


  • We can expect trouble… Rachel – 31:15; Jeremiah himself
  • We are saved through trouble – 30:7, II Corinthians 4:17
  • God does right by His people – 31:15-17, 27-30

A Reason for Thanksgiving

Title:  A Reason for Thanksgiving

Text:  Various

Blessing and Deliverance – Old Testament….

  • Psalm 136
  • II Chronicles 20
  • Psalm 88 – not always seen – considered the saddest song in the psalter

Blessing and Deliverance – New Testament….

  • Everything is better! (In comparison with Psalm 88)
    • Hebrews 7:18-22; 11:16, 35;
  • We have Christ! – Colossians
    • Inheritance and forgiveness – 1:12-14
    • Reconciliation – 1:21-22
    • Fullness – 2:2-5; 9-10
    • Resurrection – 2:12


Title:  Thanksgiving!

Text:  Psalm 95

Our God is a great God!

  • Psalm 95:3,4,5
  • Job 38-41

God shares His greatness with us! – Psalm 95:1,6,7

Our response is joy, thanksgiving, and worship!

  • Psalm 95:1,2,6
  • II Samuel 6
  • Acts 3:1-10

Any other response is absurd…. Psalm 95:8-11

To Be Like Dad! A Father’s Day lesson

Title:  To Be Like Dad!

John 5:19-23

Set the example in holiness….

  • Set apart and different:
  • Leviticus 11:45
  • Genesis 6:9-13 vs. I Kings 15:25-26

Set the example in love….

  • Lamentations 3:22-24
  • Psalm 30:5
  • Job 1:1-5
  • Ephesians 5:1
  • Proverbs 13:24

Set the example in fairness!

  • Romans 2:11
  • Matthew 5t:45-48
  • Genesis 37

Faith that Endures

Title:  Faith that Endures

Text:  Hebrews 10:35-36

Endurance allows us to withstand hard times

  • Job – Job 1:5, 20-21
  • The Women – Luke 23:55-56

Our worship is a matter of the heart….

  • Isaiah 1:11-14
  • Jeremiah 6:18-20
  • Hosea 5:5-6
  • Revelation 2:1-5

Practical steps….

  • Lean on scripture, be encouraged by one another!
  • II Timothy 3:16-17
  • I Corinthians 14:26-33
  • Ephesians 5:19-20

Colossians 3:15-17