Be Flexible Like Jesus

Title:  Be Flexible Like Jesus

Text:  John 2:1-11 – The Wedding at Cana

Relationships are Key!

  • Jesus and the wedding party
  • Jesus and his mother
  • Jesus and the servants
  • The servants and the master of the banquet
  • Jesus and his disciples

Anchored to Principle…

  • The message in His method….
    • Hour: 2:4, 7:30, 8:20, 12:23, 12:27, 13:1, 17:1
    • Wine: John 6:53-56, Luke 22:20
  • Ceremonial cleansing vs. the cleansing of Jesus’ blood:
    • Heb. 9:11-14, Rev. 7:14-17
  • “The best for last” – an eschatological reality:
    • Rev. 21:9, 22:17

The Takeaways….

  • There is time to enjoy life….
  • Not everything goes according to plan….
  • It is always time to do the right thing!
  • Infuse every moment with meaning!