Come Lord Jesus

Title:  Come, Lord Jesus!

Title text:  Revelation 22:20

Why is He Coming Again?

  • Because He promised!
    • John 14:1-4
    • 24:30-31
  • Because He loves us!
    • John 17:20-26
  • Because He has a job to do!
    • He came first to save…
    • John 12:47*
    • He comes again to judge…
      • Acts 17:31, Rom. 2:16, Rev. 20:13
      • Mt. 25:31ff
      • II Tim. 4:1-8*
      • John 5:21-27

What’s Taking So Long?

  • No one knows the hour or the day…
    • Mark 13:34
    • 24:36
  • He wants all to come to repentance!
    • I Peter 3:9

What is Our Response?

  • Be pure and blameless…
    • 1:9-10, I Thess. 5:23-24*
  • Be prepared!
    • 25:1-13
  • Prepare others!
    • II Tim. 4:1-8