Why Think about Spiritual Gifts?

Title:  Why Think about Spiritual Gifts?

Text:  I Corinthians 12:1-3

Helps us in our vocation

  • We think about our jobs, how about our spiritual jobs?
  • II Timothy 1:6, 2:15

Mobilizes the church for mission

  • Lets us know what direction we can take – Luke 14:28-33
  • May chose some ministry directions over others – Acts 13:1-3

Helps us set priorities

  • Study – Hebrews 5:12-13, I Corinthians 3:2
  • Growth – I Corinthians 12:31
  • Ministry – Acts 6:1-4

Shows the value of each individual

  • One body
    • I Corinthians 12:12ff
    • Romans 12:4-5
    • Ephesians 4:4

Helps us accept the ministry of others

  • Matthew 3:13-15
  • John 13:6
  • Matthew 8:5-9
  • II Timothy 4:9-11