Eagerly Desire the Greater Gifts

Title:  Eagerly Desire the Greater Gifts

Text:  I Corinthians 12:31

Members are equal – gifts are not….

  • I Corinthians 12:25
  • II Corinthians 8:13-15
  • Matthew 20:1-16
  • James 2:1-4

How do we gain a gift?

  • Realize these are from the Spirit – be filled! Ephesians 5:18
  • Those who grow the church – How can I bring people to Christ? Acts 26 – Paul told his story and then connected it with Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Those who edify the church – How can I help others strengthen their faith and understanding? II Timothy 2:15-21; Hebrews 5:14
  • Those who serve the church – How can I help to do what needs doing? Galatians 5:13; I Peter 4:11