Not My Gift

Title:  Not My Gift

Note:  This sermon was given during the Covid-19 pandemic

Text:  Various from Nehemiah

Some parallels to our current situation….

  • Judah had lived through the worst time in its history
  • Really hadn’t recovered – Nehemiah 1:3
  • What about us?

A way forward….

  • Judah needed a Nehemiah
    • Passion – 1:1-4
    • Vision – 1:11 – 2:5
    • Planning – 2:7-9, 11-18
    • Endurance – 3:19, 4:1, 6:1-9

The people did what needed doing

  • Well, not everyone… 3:5, 5:3-12
  • Contrast – 3:1, 12, 15-16, 17, etc., 4:6
  • II Corinthians 12:9-10
  • What needs doing now? Can we commit to doing it?