
Title:  Teachers

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

Jesus as Teacher….

  • Spread the gospel first…. Matthew 4:12ff, 4:23-5:2
  • Gains a following like teachers did – John 1:38; 6:25; 3:2; compare with Acts 22:3
  • Yet is unique
  • No training – John 7:27, Matthew 13:54
  • Speaks with greater authority – Matthew 5:17-20; Mark 1:27; John 10:34-37

Teachers in the church

  • The function of explaining – Acts 18:26, Matthew 28:18-20, I Timothy 4:1-11
  • Requires study – I Timothy 1:7, II Timothy 2:15
  • It is a spiritual gift – I Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:7-13

Teachers must practice what they teach – John 10:34-37; I Timothy 4:11-16