Mark – a Man of Growth

Title:  Mark – a Man of Growth

Text:  II Timothy 4:11

An early disciple….

  • Barnabas was his cousin – Colossians 4:10
  • Had seen the power of God displayed and discussed – Acts 12:12

Missionary effort

  • Barnabas believed in Mark – Acts 12:25, Acts 15:39
  • Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas – Acts 13:13
  • What happened?
    • Culture shock?
    • Homesick?
    • Family responsibilities? (Acts 12:12 – no father mentioned)
  • It bothered Paul – Acts 15:37-39; Matthew 8:19-22

The rest of the story?

  • Gave it another try – Acts 15:37-39
  • Becomes close to Peter and Paul – I Peter 5:13; Colossians 4:10; II Timothy 4:11
  • Writes the book of Mark….