Total Allegiance to Jesus and the Way of the Cross

Allegiance to Jesus
Title:  Total Allegiance to Jesus and the Way of the Cross Title Text:  Isaiah 53 Jesus’ way forewarned in prophesy
  • Isaiah 53
    • Came in humility – v. 2
    • Took care of our greatest needs – v. 4-6
    • Despised and afflicted because of it – v. 3, 7-8
    • God’s will – v. 10a
    • Bigger picture – v. 10b-12
Submission in the Garden
  • Luke 22:39-46
    • Brings His will in line with God’s, becomes an active participant – v. 41-45
    • Does not fight back – v. 47-53
His followers….
  • Peter and John – Acts 4:1-4
  • Stephan – Acts 7
  • Paul – contrast Acts 8:1-3 vs. II Corinthians 11:21-30
To what end? – I Corinthians 9:19-23, I Peter 2:12