True to the Truth

true blue

Who says Bible translations can’t be funny?  I remember reading Acts 17:5 for what was probably the first time several decades ago in my old NIV and laughing out loud at the part about “rounding up some bad characters from the marketplace” like we were somewhere at the OK corral and not in Thessalonica.  Other translations have “lewd fellows of the baser sort,” “wicked men of the rabble,” and “thugs.”  I used to go into Bible bookstores and look this stuff up!

The content, however, is serious.  My wife pointed this out in our Bible class this past Sunday as our teacher had us look at the context.  So, Paul and Silas (and some others not named) are in Thessalonica convincing people about the truth of who Jesus is and quite a few people become Christians because of it.  Paul had the weight of truth on his side as was clear from the scriptures he taught from.  Pristine logic applied to true historical accounts bore fruit.  Win/win!

Except there is another group who was not having any of what Paul was saying.  Verse 5 says they were jealous, but another thing is clear too – they were willing to use any means to stop what Paul was doing.  Any means.  Hm.  This is weird.  Because these jealous types were from good God’s-chosen-people stock.  They had the law and the prophets.  They knew about justice and righteousness, mercy and humility, and the consequences of bearing false witness.  Yet, when confronted with the truth and the power of that truth, they turn to the darker side of humanity and try to beat the life out of truth.  In doing this, they completely obliterate their credibility as good-faith seekers of truth.  This is not honest doubt they harbor, it’s rather evil malice revealing their hypocrisy.

What I want to get to is this – the truth wins by being true, not by clubbing opposing arguments into silence.  I love what Peter says in I Peter 3 – “always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have – but do this with humility and respect, keeping a clear conscience….”  I’ve got to admit – sometimes people say things against my faith that really bother me.  It’s at times like these I need to make sure I am being true to the One who is Truth Himself.  Sometimes the avalanche of untruth in the world can make it tempting for us to fight the proverbial fire with fire – they play unfair, we’ll play unfair.  That is never Jesus’ way.  More subtle however, is when I am challenged in my belief with someone else’s deeply held convictions.  I have found when I feel threatened in these situations it’s because I haven’t thought something out clearly enough.  I’m not ready with an answer.  That’s the time to listen; that’s the time to explore.  I may find I was right and come out on the other side stronger because of it.  Or I may find I was wrong and come out on the other side better because I listened, explored, studied, and appealed to God for wisdom.  Acts 17:4 shows there were those in Thessalonica of that kind.  I pray we are too….

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2 thoughts on “True to the Truth”

  1. Winning a debate is great but winning souls to Christ is greater!!! Great job as usual Galen!!

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