Introduction to the Book of James

The introductory sermon to the book of James with video link James and Jesus
  • One of Jesus’ brothers along with three others – Joseph, Simon, and Judas – Matthew 13:55
  • Thought Jesus was out of His mind – Mark 3:20-21 (Liar, Lunatic, Lord?)
  • Did not believe in Jesus – John 7:1-5
  • Jesus entrusted His mother to a believer – John 19:26
  • Jesus appeared to James – I Corinthians 15:7
  • James became an early believer – Acts 1:12-14
  • Becomes a major leader in the church in Jerusalem
  • Is referred to as “apostle” though not one of the 12 – Galatians 1:19
  • Writes the book we know as “James.”
How James sees it….
  • There are only two ways to see things – God’s way or the world’s way; looking through both lenses doesn’t work – James 1:8
  • God’s way is stable – the world’s way is not – James 1:6; 16-17
  • Worldly wisdom causes chaos and is from the devil, Heavenly wisdom brings peace and is from God – 3:13-18; 1:5

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