Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer On Father’s Day

Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer On Father’s Day (Video link below outline) Learning from the Heavenly Father – Matthew 6:6-14 Fathers are in relationship with their children
  • They know their kids! – v. 8
  • Fathers should be approachable…. v. 9
Fathers have a responsibility to be honorable…
  • Comparison and contrast – we are not God, nor are we holy. But we can be honored.
    • Matthew 6:9; Exodus 20:12
  • Ephesians 6:4
  • Colossians 3:21
Good fathers should be heeded….
  • Matthew 6:10 – We have responsibility to make God’s will ours and make that obvious to our children.
  • “My son(s)” used 18 times in the first 7 chapters of Proverbs….
Fathers provide!
  • Matthew 6:10
  • Matthew 7:9-11
  • Contrast: I Timothy 5:8
Fathers forgive!
  • Matthew 6:12
  • Luke 15:11-32
  • I Corinthians 13:4-8
Fathers protect!
  • Matthew 6:13
  • Contrast:
    • Matthew 18:6; Romans 1:28-32 – we know parents who have done this….
  • Ultimately, good fathers bring their children to God!
    • Proverbs 3:1-8

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