He Himself Is Our Peace

He Himself Is Our Peace is the second in a continuing sermon series on the importance of the church from the book of Ephesians.  The outline follows after the video link.

He Himself Is Our Peace – Ephesians 2

Our relationship to God has changed

  • Previously….
    • Dead – 2:1
    • Followers of Satan – 2:2
    • Objects of wrath – 2:3
  • Now….
    • Alive with Christ – 2:4
    • A place in the heavenlies – 2:6
    • God’s workmanship – 2:10

Our relationship to each other has changed

  • Previously
    • The dead are apart from relationship
    • Separate from Christ – 2:12
    • Excluded from citizenship – 2:12
    • Foreigners – 2:12
  • Now
    • Near – 2:13
    • Unified – 2:14
    • Citizens – 2:19
    • One temple – 2:21-22

It is the language of community, the language of the church….

  • The whole chapter is plural!
  • No one is excluded… in Christ!
  • If He is our peace, our obligation is to us all….

Come Walk with Us!