Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Like a Tree Planted by Streams is a lesson from Psalm 1.  The outline is under the video link.

Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Psalm 1

The Imagery:

  • A tree
  • Planted by a stream
  • Producing fruit in season
  • Never withering


  • Blown away
  • ….

The Connection:

  • The righteous
    • Plant themselves in God’s law
    • Draw on it day and night
    • A life of meaning
  • The wicked
    • No meaning, dry, useless life
  • The point – this is a warning and an admonition – don’t be the wicked!
  • We can reach out, and should

The stretch

  • What happens when a whole bunch of trees come together?
  • Everything is improved!
  • Let’s plant ourselves together by that stream….

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