The Rich Young Ruler
Title: The Rich Young Ruler
Text: Mark 10:17-31
“Why do you call me good?”
- Jesus will not be deterred by nice words. This is a society determined to maintain a certain social structure, keeping the “sinners” apart from the “righteous.”
- Did the young man understand his spiritual condition? 3:23
- Jesus wants people to think!
- Requires time… requires space….
- If we call Jesus “good,” than we are calling Him “God.” If we call Him “God,” we must listen to Him.
Jesus sees the man clearly
- Jesus is prompted by love….
- Jesus acts in the man’s best interest….
- The two above points are synonymous!
- Jesus knows what stands in the man’s way….
- Jesus holds out hope!
- No-one can do enough to enter Heaven – this is by God’s grace!
Jesus turns to the needs of the disciples….
- Corrects their thinking….
- Encourages them in their proper decision….
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