Galen Harrill

Galen Harrill's passion for the church developed as he saw God working powerfully in his native Northeast through the individual and collective activities of churches throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. His participation in these works greatly matured his love of service in a cause greater than himself and challenged him to seek how he might further God's Kingdom wherever God placed him. In college, he gained experience in ministry and missions as he served internships in Illinois, California and Kenya. After earning degrees at Abilene Christian University, he worked with a small church in Philadelphia while preparing to go abroad. In 1995 he moved to Prague, Czech Republic to serve with a church planting team among a predominately atheistic population. It was there he faced his greatest challenges as he grew to understand the limitless power of faith working in the lives of God's people. He met and married his wife while serving in Prague and two of their three children were born there. They returned to the States in 2005 and moved to Pennsylvania, where Galen has worked as a special education teacher and itinerant preacher. Officially, he has served with churches in East Lansdowne, Pottstown and North Wales, PA. He currently preaches at the North Penn Church of Christ in North Wales. While serving as preacher for this congregation over the past three years, Galen has helped to nurture this loving congregation to greater depths and heights of love and service for Christ. Galen holds two bachelor's degrees in Biblical Studies and Human Communication and two master's degrees in Missions and Educational Leadership. He lives in Lancaster County with his wife and three children.

Acting in Justice

Title: Acting in Justice

Text:  James 2

Clarification – Justice and Righteousness are the same word in NT Greek


  • Remember what we’ve been given….
  • James 2:12, Matthew 18:22-35
  • Favoritism has no place in the church!
  • James 2:1-4, 8-11, Exodus 23:1-9
  • See clearly….
  • James 2:5-7, 1:5-8, 22-25
  • Justice is action!
  • James 2:14-26

Acting out Justice

Title:  Acting out Justice (God’s action against spiritual oppression to create community)

Text:  Various

Against gods

  • The gods of other nations are demonic in nature
  • They tear apart society
  • They dehumanize
    • Deuteronomy 12:31, 32:17,
  • In His justice, God passes judgement on them
    • Numbers 33:3-4, I Kings 18
    • Exodus 33:1-4
  • Ethical concern – Exodus 23:9

Against demons

  • Same song, different verse – still dehumanizing, still tearing apart community
    • Luke 8:34-35, Luke 9:42
    • Luke 11:15

Rulers, authorities, and powers in the heavenly realms….

  • In Christ, our spiritual place is realized…. Eph. 2:6
  • The battle is brought to the spiritual realm!
    • 18:18, Ephesians 3:6-11, 14-21, 6:10-12

How Much More Becoming like God in His Justice

Title:  How Much More…. Becoming like God in His Justice

Texts:  John 10:22-39, Psalm 82

Jesus defines Himself in John 10:34

  • The Context – Jesus is defending Himself against unbelief.
  • The Method – How much more? Common technique….
  • The Point – Jesus truly is God.

What is the lesser? – Psalm 82

  • God calls men “gods” – v. 6
  • A defining characteristic of “Godness” is justice
  • God pronounces his judgement – Since they are not acting like, it they are demoted to mortality

The Greater is proven right by His actions!

  • Does what the Father does – John 10:37
  • Contrast v. 38

What this means for us….

  • Act in justice – Psalm 82:2-4

We become His and gain eternal life (contrast with mortality) – Romans 2:7

Let Justice Roll Down like a River

Title:  Let Justice Roll Down like a River

Title text:  Amos 5:24

Main text:  Isaiah 58

  • He acts in Justice and Righteousness! – Romans 3:21-27
  • Context is always in terms of those in need! – Matthew 25:34-36, James 1:27
  • Psalm 50:1-6, I Corinthians 11:17-33

O Lord, God of Israel, there is No One Like You

Title:  O Lord, God of Israel, there is No One Like You

Text:  I Kings 8:21ff

How So?

  • Makes covenants with people… I Kings 8:23 but also….
    • Genesis 15, Exodus 19, Jeremiah 31:31-34
  • Makes His dwelling with them…
    • Psalm 8:3-4, Deuteronomy 4:7, John 1:14; 14:15-21
  • Different from the gods around who were cold, impersonal, distant and fake! – I Kings 18:27ff, Isaiah 44:15

What does the covenant entail?

  • Back to I Kings 8
    • Recognition of our failing
    • Calling on the Lord

He is faithful to answer – Psalm 121

Barnabas – Son of Encouragement

Title:  Barnabas – Son of Encouragement

Text:  Acts 4:36

Acts 4 does not tell us much….

  • Barnabas was renamed “Son of Encouragement…”
  • …or exhortation…
  • …or consolation…
  • …or comfort….

How did he encourage?

  • Took care of those in need…. Acts 4:34-36
  • Did what needed doing when it needed doing…. Acts 9:26-28; 11:19-24; 13:1-3
  • Exhorted others to remain faithful – 11:23
  • Converted souls for Christ – Acts 11:24
  • Brought others along in the work…. Acts 11:25-26
  • Didn’t give up on people – Acts 15:36-41

James – The Discerning Peacemaker

Title:  James – The Discerning Peacemaker

Text:  Acts 15

Conflict between two groups of Christians….

  • Probably sincere….
  • Definitely out of line – Acts 15:24
  • Peter’s role – Galatians 2:11-14; Acts 15:6-11
  • Paul and Barnabas’ testimony – 15:12

James’ rationale….

  • God has clearly worked
  • Covenant language – a people for Himself – Deuteronomy 14:2; Acts 15:14
  • Makes a compromise – Acts 15:20
  • All are encouraged – 15:31

Mark – a Man of Growth

Title:  Mark – a Man of Growth

Text:  II Timothy 4:11

An early disciple….

  • Barnabas was his cousin – Colossians 4:10
  • Had seen the power of God displayed and discussed – Acts 12:12

Missionary effort

  • Barnabas believed in Mark – Acts 12:25, Acts 15:39
  • Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas – Acts 13:13
  • What happened?
    • Culture shock?
    • Homesick?
    • Family responsibilities? (Acts 12:12 – no father mentioned)
  • It bothered Paul – Acts 15:37-39; Matthew 8:19-22

The rest of the story?

  • Gave it another try – Acts 15:37-39
  • Becomes close to Peter and Paul – I Peter 5:13; Colossians 4:10; II Timothy 4:11
  • Writes the book of Mark….

Stephan – The First Martyr

Title:  Stephan – The First Martyr

Text:  Acts 6 and 7

Clarification – The word translated “witness” in our English Bibles comes from the NT Greek word martyr.

Given responsibility….

  • Full of the Spirit and wisdom – 6:3
  • Allowed for others to do the work they needed to do – 6:2-4
  • Went beyond given responsibilities (gaining talents?) – 6:8-10
  • God’s kingdom grew – 6:7

Stephen’s gifts….

  • Miraculous – 6:8
  • Knew scripture and how to use it – 6:10
    • His Defense
      • To the charge of blasphemy
        • Gives God His due – 7:2; 32-34; 48-50
      • Disrespectful of place
      • God is not contained in place 7:48-50
      • It’s all about Jesus – 7:52
    • Brave – 7:51-56
    • Forgiving – 7:59-60


Title:  Philip

Text:  Acts 8

An outsider’s perspective, part I

  • A Hellenist like the other chosen six – Acts 6:5
  • Did not get bogged down in times of trouble – Acts 8:4-5
  • Reached out to those not like himself….


  • The apostles and the Samaritans….
    • God puts reconciliation in our hands – 8:14-17
    • John Boanerges – Luke 9:54
    • Shows the Samaritans they are accepted
    • The schism between Jew and Samaritan is bridged in Christ
  • Simon – conversion is a matter of the heart

An outsider’s perspective, part II

  • Did what God told him to do – Acts 8:26-30
  • Saw the opportunity and knew what to do – 8:30
  • Knew Jesus is the point of scripture – 8:32-35
  • Explained what was necessary – 8:36-38