Galen Harrill

Galen Harrill's passion for the church developed as he saw God working powerfully in his native Northeast through the individual and collective activities of churches throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. His participation in these works greatly matured his love of service in a cause greater than himself and challenged him to seek how he might further God's Kingdom wherever God placed him. In college, he gained experience in ministry and missions as he served internships in Illinois, California and Kenya. After earning degrees at Abilene Christian University, he worked with a small church in Philadelphia while preparing to go abroad. In 1995 he moved to Prague, Czech Republic to serve with a church planting team among a predominately atheistic population. It was there he faced his greatest challenges as he grew to understand the limitless power of faith working in the lives of God's people. He met and married his wife while serving in Prague and two of their three children were born there. They returned to the States in 2005 and moved to Pennsylvania, where Galen has worked as a special education teacher and itinerant preacher. Officially, he has served with churches in East Lansdowne, Pottstown and North Wales, PA. He currently preaches at the North Penn Church of Christ in North Wales. While serving as preacher for this congregation over the past three years, Galen has helped to nurture this loving congregation to greater depths and heights of love and service for Christ. Galen holds two bachelor's degrees in Biblical Studies and Human Communication and two master's degrees in Missions and Educational Leadership. He lives in Lancaster County with his wife and three children.


Title:  Prophets

I Corinthians 12:28


  • Distractions – telling the future – Deuteronomy 18:21-22; Acts 21:10-11;
  • They are sent by God – Amos 7:15
  • It is spoken proclamation (preaching) of the word of God – Jeremiah 1:9; 19:2, 14; Acts 4:29; Amos 7:16
  • Explains what God wants done – Acts 13:1
  • They edify the church – I Corinthians 14:3


  • Prophesies are God’s words – Matthew 10:20; Acts 4:29
  • We test the sent and the source – Deuteronomy 13:2-6; I Thessalonians 5:19-22;
  • The church has the responsibility to “weigh carefully” what is said – I Corinthians 14:29


Title:  Apostles

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

The Twelve

  • Matthew 10
    • Called by Jesus
    • Sent with a job
      • Consider Mark 6:30-36

The office….

  • Acts 1:15-26; I Corinthians 9:9-10; Acts 26:12-23
  • The message remains the same – Acts 2:14ff

Different uses of the term….

  • Taken as a whole, the term seems to indicate “missionary” – a term that otherwise does not appear in scripture
    • Acts 14:4, 14
    • I Corinthians 15:3-11
    • Galatians 1:19
    • Philippians 2:25
    • I Thessalonians 1:1; 2:7
  • Purpose – to start the church – qualitative and quantitative.

I Corinthians 12:28 – When Paul says “…first, apostles,” this is not an indication of importance but rather of order in how churches get started and how they grow.  The tension is in how important each part of the body is as stated in 12:12-27 and Paul’s “greater gifts” assertion in v. 31

Not My Gift

Title:  Not My Gift

Note:  This sermon was given during the Covid-19 pandemic

Text:  Various from Nehemiah

Some parallels to our current situation….

  • Judah had lived through the worst time in its history
  • Really hadn’t recovered – Nehemiah 1:3
  • What about us?

A way forward….

  • Judah needed a Nehemiah
    • Passion – 1:1-4
    • Vision – 1:11 – 2:5
    • Planning – 2:7-9, 11-18
    • Endurance – 3:19, 4:1, 6:1-9

The people did what needed doing

  • Well, not everyone… 3:5, 5:3-12
  • Contrast – 3:1, 12, 15-16, 17, etc., 4:6
  • II Corinthians 12:9-10
  • What needs doing now? Can we commit to doing it?

The Body of Christ

Title:  The Body of Christ

Text:  I Corinthians 12:12-31

You are a part of the body!

  • Don’t underestimate yourself….
  • …and don’t overestimate yourself!
  • If you are not a part, then you are dead….

Your brothers and sisters are a part of the body!

  • The jobs we do may be different…
  • Some jobs may be more important than others….
  • No part of the body is more important than the rest!

Eagerly Desire the Greater Gifts

Title:  Eagerly Desire the Greater Gifts

Text:  I Corinthians 12:31

Members are equal – gifts are not….

  • I Corinthians 12:25
  • II Corinthians 8:13-15
  • Matthew 20:1-16
  • James 2:1-4

How do we gain a gift?

  • Realize these are from the Spirit – be filled! Ephesians 5:18
  • Those who grow the church – How can I bring people to Christ? Acts 26 – Paul told his story and then connected it with Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Those who edify the church – How can I help others strengthen their faith and understanding? II Timothy 2:15-21; Hebrews 5:14
  • Those who serve the church – How can I help to do what needs doing? Galatians 5:13; I Peter 4:11

The Gift of Prayer

Title:   The Gift of Prayer

Text:  Various

Prayer is an offering to God….

  • Revelation 8:1-5
  • It is our time spent with Him…. Luke 10:38-42

Prayer leads us to God’s thoughts….

  • Joshua 9:14
  • I Samuel 23:4
  • I Samuel 30:8
  • II Samuel 2:1
  • II Samuel 5:23
  • Acts 10

Prayer prepares us for vocation….

  • Acts 10 (lead in from last point)
  • I Kings 19:15-18

Prayer is powerful!

  • James 5:16
  • I Peter 3:12

The Gift of Ourselves

Title:  The Gift of Ourselves

Text:  Ephesians 4:1-16

Raised up

  • In power Christ is raised – Ephesians 1:18-23
  • In power we are raised – Ephesians 2:1-7
  • Our gifts raise – Ephesians 4:7-13

Gave us to each other

  • We ourselves are a gift – Ephesians 4:11
  • These gifts complete us, allow us to serve, and build us up, making us like Christ – Ephesians 4:12
  • Reframes our thinking and doing – Ephesians 4:13-16

Why Think about Spiritual Gifts?

Title:  Why Think about Spiritual Gifts?

Text:  I Corinthians 12:1-3

Helps us in our vocation

  • We think about our jobs, how about our spiritual jobs?
  • II Timothy 1:6, 2:15

Mobilizes the church for mission

  • Lets us know what direction we can take – Luke 14:28-33
  • May chose some ministry directions over others – Acts 13:1-3

Helps us set priorities

  • Study – Hebrews 5:12-13, I Corinthians 3:2
  • Growth – I Corinthians 12:31
  • Ministry – Acts 6:1-4

Shows the value of each individual

  • One body
    • I Corinthians 12:12ff
    • Romans 12:4-5
    • Ephesians 4:4

Helps us accept the ministry of others

  • Matthew 3:13-15
  • John 13:6
  • Matthew 8:5-9
  • II Timothy 4:9-11

Our Gifts for God’s Glory II

Title:  Our Gifts for His Glory II

Text:  Various

Are gifts the same as talents?

  • Talents reveal our (natural) abilities – I Chronicles 11:10ff, 15:22, II Samuel 2:18
  • Talents can be infused with gifts – Exodus 31:6

Are gifts the same as talents?

  • Gifts reveal God’s (supernatural) power in you
    • Given by God as He wills – Romans 12:6, Hebrews 2:4
    • The Spirit comes at baptism, gifts can come later – I Corinthians 12:31, II Timothy 1:6
  • For us, we should strive to use both for God
    • Matthew 25:14-30 – parable of the talents
    • I Corinthians 14:12

What is the purpose of the gifts?

  • Build one another up – I Corinthians 12:7, 14:12, Eph. 4:9-13
  • Reveal God – I Corinthians 14:22-25
  • Glorify God – Acts 3:8

Our Gifts for His Glory

Title:  Our Gifts for His Glory

Text:  Acts 17:24-28

What is a gift?

  • Something without strings attached – Genesis 23:10-16, I Corinthians 2:12
  • Something we have thought about – Genesis 43:11, Mark 14:1-9
  • Something we have paid for or made – II Samuel 24:18-25

Perspective One

  • “I have talents and abilities and assets I can chose to craft, develop and give to God… and I give at my prerogative. Or not.”
    • Nebuchadnezzar – Daniel 4:30
    • Herod – Acts 12:21
    • Pharisee vs. tax collector – Luke 18:9-14
    • Parable of the bigger barns – Luke 12:18

Perspective Two

  • We give You what is Yours
  • Solomon – I Kings 8:22ff
  • Psalm 50:9-12
  • Acts 17:24-28