Galen Harrill

Galen Harrill's passion for the church developed as he saw God working powerfully in his native Northeast through the individual and collective activities of churches throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. His participation in these works greatly matured his love of service in a cause greater than himself and challenged him to seek how he might further God's Kingdom wherever God placed him. In college, he gained experience in ministry and missions as he served internships in Illinois, California and Kenya. After earning degrees at Abilene Christian University, he worked with a small church in Philadelphia while preparing to go abroad. In 1995 he moved to Prague, Czech Republic to serve with a church planting team among a predominately atheistic population. It was there he faced his greatest challenges as he grew to understand the limitless power of faith working in the lives of God's people. He met and married his wife while serving in Prague and two of their three children were born there. They returned to the States in 2005 and moved to Pennsylvania, where Galen has worked as a special education teacher and itinerant preacher. Officially, he has served with churches in East Lansdowne, Pottstown and North Wales, PA. He currently preaches at the North Penn Church of Christ in North Wales. While serving as preacher for this congregation over the past three years, Galen has helped to nurture this loving congregation to greater depths and heights of love and service for Christ. Galen holds two bachelor's degrees in Biblical Studies and Human Communication and two master's degrees in Missions and Educational Leadership. He lives in Lancaster County with his wife and three children.

Redefine Like Jesus

Title:  Redefine Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 24:13-35

Reality is clear….

  • Jesus reprimands them for their foolishness… This should be obvious!
  • Shifts all they know into the person of Himself! (The resurrection proves the worldly perspective wrong.)

A shift from sight to faith

  • Jesus was invisible to them!
  • What else is invisible to us?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus is making in people?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus wants to make in us?

A shift from the temporal to the eternal

  • Jesus defeats death….
  • Jesus instills hope!
    • In Himself….
    • For us!

Forgive Like Jesus

Title:  Forgive Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 23:32-43

Jesus forgives freely….

  • The criminal….
    • Fears God
    • Recognizes his own guilt
    • Knows Jesus’ own salvation is through death, not in avoiding it…
  • “Today you will be with me in Paradise….”
  • Romans 5:8
  • Ephesians 2:8-9

Jesus brings life!

  • John 1:4
  • John 10:10
  • In keeping with God’s purposes
    • Psalm 30:4-5
    • Proverbs 13:12

We have a tremendous obligation and privilege!

  • We forgive without limit…
    • Matthew 18:22
  • Our actions and inactions are tied to eternity….
    • Matthew 18:18

Pray Like Jesus – John 17

Title:  Pray Like Jesus

Text:  John 17

Emphasizes the glory of God and Jesus

  • Glory used 9 times in chapter 17.
  • It is something we speak about….
  • It is something we bring about in our actions!

Jesus’ prayer shows concern for His own….

  • The connection among those who follow Jesus….
  • “In your name….” We belong to the same name!
  • Protection as we strive to share with others – v. 15
  • To make and to keep holy….

Jesus thinks in the long-term….

  • Prays for the world….
  • Jesus had us in mind….
  • Do we think long-term?
    • II Kings 20:17-20

Be Sure Like Jesus

Title:  Be Sure Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 3:20-35

When you do the right thing, you will face opposition

  • Genesis 39 – Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
  • Acts 16:16-24 Paul in Philippi
  • John 15:18-25 “The world hates the disciples”

Jesus was sure what He was about:  Mark 5

  • Some called Him crazy
    • Defied normal convention – attracting crowds, couldn’t eat.
  • Some attributed his actions to dangerous or wicked origins or purposes

Jesus challenged both claims:  Mark 5

  • Redefines relationships and priorities: v 31-34
  • Calmly sets out the facts: v 23-30
  • Leaves ego out of it (Mt. 12:32, Luke 12:10)
  • Gives sufficient warning to where the real danger lies. Jude 9, Romans 12:19

Be Intentional Like Jesus

Title: Be Intentional Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 5:21-43

Jesus does not lose sight of His mission…

  • Just returned from healing the demoniac in Gentile territory
  • The good news is for all….
    • Jairus – the synagogue ruler with status
    • An unknown, unclean woman

Jesus calls us to see His mission

  • The woman – Faith cannot be anonymous
  • Jairus – God works in His time
  • The crowd – we won’t see God’s glory if we refuse to see it

Change Lives Like Jesus

Title:  Change Lives Like Jesus

Text:  John 5:1-15

Jesus changes the whole person – Romans 5:12ff

In body….

  • Healed the man… John 5:8-9
  • We are not to ignore the physical….
    • James 2:14-17
    • II Corinthians 8:1-15
    • Romans 15:26

In mind….

  • Changed the man’s world-view…
    • True healing comes from God
    • Don’t hold to presuppositions (Mark 3:4, Luke 6:9)

In spirit…

  • Jesus required repentance from the man – John 5:14
  • Everything we do needs to point to the spiritual!
  • Mark 8:36

Explain Like Jesus

Title:  Explain Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 7:18-35

Jesus attracted attention:

  • The righteous
  • The needy

Jesus placed Himself in context….

  • John and the prophets….
  • What is our context?

Jesus encouraged right thinking….

  • The lost are worth weeping over….
  • The gospel is worth celebrating!

Inspire Like Jesus

Title:  Inspire Like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:22-43

What they saw Jesus do made them want to do likewise!

  • 14:28
  • Acts 4:13
  • I Thess. 1:6

Encouraged action when Peter wanted to act!

  • 14:29 – don’t be too hard on Peter – he’s the only other one to walk on water….
  • Another example: Acts 18:27

Jesus rescues when we are in trouble!

  • 14:31
  • Jude 1:23

Be Compassionate Like Jesus

Title:  Be Compassionate Like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:13-21 – Feeding the 5,000

Jesus met the needs of others in times of His own need

  • Jesus saw the need for solitude, did not get it. How did He react?
    • Not with impatience
    • Not with resentment
    • Not dismissively
    • With compassion

Jesus calls others to see the need!

  • We are the hands and feet of Jesus….
  • Jesus can do amazing things through us!

All our resources belong to Jesus!

  • Time is His….
  • They didn’t waste the abundance….

Be Strong Like Jesus – The Temptation of Christ

Title:  Be Strong Like Jesus

Opening text:  Matthew 4:1-11

Know where your nourishment comes from….

  • Matthew 4:4
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-3
  • Matthew 6:25-26
  • John 6
  • Philippians 3:17-21

Know who you are….

  • Identity Crisis:
    • Matthew 4:3, 6-7
    • 6:16, Ex. 17:1-7
  • Who are you in God’s sight?
    • Matthew 3:16-17
    • 139:13
    • 1:5

Give God His due….

  • Matthew 4:8-10
  • 6:13
  • 50:9-12
  • Jesus did it God’s way….

Be prepared!

  • 4:2
  • I Tim. 4:8
  • II Tim. 3:16 -17
  • I Pet. 3:15