A Song for Ukraine

A Song for Ukraine

In a very real way what I have here is not the purpose of this website – except maybe it is.  Faith is not easy and it gets messy.  So, I’ve got to admit, the world events of the past few hours challenge my faith deep in my core.  I spent ten years in a country that had freed itself from the harsh realities of the Soviet Union. I met and know brothers and sisters in Christ who are Russians.  And I met and know brothers and sisters in Christ who are Ukrainians.  And for the life of me I can’t understand why this is happening. One thing I am sure of though, there is no reason in Satan’s doings so understanding evil in any reasonable way is impossible.  But what is God doing?  One thing I am sure of, the more heinous the crime, the more miraculous the salvation.  I don’t consider myself a poet – but pouring myself into this and knowing the One who took on the full impact of this crisis on the cross helped me get through this day. Others are suffering far worse than I am, my prayer is with them all….

A Song for Ukraine

When evil men with evil intent move against God’s justice,

When the innocent suffer for seeking the truth, and freedom is torn away,

We cry aloud and add our tears to the Man of Sorrows’ knowing

with Heaven’s revelation clear, God’s will was trampled today. 


A tyrant now rages and pours out his scorn, trusting only his power,

And our “Your-will-be-done” is a prayer of admission, the world does not bow to Your throne.

While the raging and warring indiscriminately swallow the righteous and the evil,

Our hearts are broken, with unanswered questions, yet trusting You care for Your own.


So, we struggle and seek to understand a power devoid of reason,

That props up a madman to ravage a nation just seeking to live, love, and be.

But a power of malice is a power unhinged and we will not find an answer,

Until we turn to the One who delivers and gives us the true faith to see.


Against such hate, against such rage, there is just one salvation,

One hope, one peace, one reason, one love, and it’s only the way of the cross.

So, a maniac wars with Satan’s wrath to undo Ukraine, the nation,

“Why hast Thou forsaken me?” God too has endured the loss.