Fly Eagles Fly

Fly Eagles Fly

I think it will be immediately clear I’m not getting too deep today.  Church on Sunday was a sea of green: Eagle’s green.  I’ve never seen a sports jacket worn over a football team tee, but it worked.  Now, not everyone was in green.  I wasn’t.  It just never crossed my mind.  And we do have two KC fans who came resplendent in red.  We had a few more sports allusions throughout worship than usual (hey, if Paul can do it, we can too!), and afterwards we had a fellowship meal where everyone spoke to everyone else, in keeping with our allegiance to the Prince of Peace.  We joked about it but of course it goes much deeper than that – we have sincere love for one another, heart to heart.  Over goulash, spaghetti, poppyseed chicken, pineapple upside down cake, peanut butter pie etc., there were a lot of conversations about who was going to win and why, along with a lot of conversations trying their best steer clear of the topic, mainly in vain.  In the end, the Eagles lost.

“Well, this doesn’t have much to do with my spiritual life.”  No, it doesn’t – unless you see every moment as a blessing and every interaction with our brothers and sisters in Christ as a gift from God.  We share our incandescent joys and those that just make us chuckle.  We cry with one another, sometimes from deep pain, and sometimes because we’re just tired that week.  We grapple with great spiritual truths and conundrums.  We plan for quarterly classes and discuss how to grow the church.  And we talk about car trouble, sprained ankles, the price of eggs, and sports.  But none of those things are our binding agents.  Rather, it is God working who knits us together from all our sometimes wildly disparate threads to make us one….

As for the birds, there’s always next year….

Fly Eagles Fly

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