Going Home

Where is home?  I realized I was doing something a number of years back whenever I just wanted a break from some situation or difficulty.  I would say to myself, “I want to go home.”  Now, the strange thing about that was I didn’t really have a place in mind.  I lived most my childhood in New Jersey (lots of summers in Michigan), spent college in Texas, did mission work in the Czech Republic, and have lived in Pennsylvania for the past 17 years.  But whenever I say I want to go home the only state I’m really thinking of is a state of mind where peace, joy, and comfort exist in abundance.  I know I’m not alone.

Now, the obvious connection here is we are looking forward to another country, a heavenly one.  The image of Lazarus resting at Abraham’s side is compelling.  So is the promise of no more tears.  That’s the home we all really want, and really, I know that’s the cry of my heart when I say I want to go home.  But there is another place that is closer right now, a place I go and I’m home, the frontier of God’s Kingdom on earth.  It’s the church…

…don’t laugh.  I’m serious.  I am well aware the church is not perfect.  I’m well aware we have disagreements in the church.  I’m well aware our auditoriums are full of hurting people; emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.  But it’s also the place where this past Sunday I sat down after services and had a really good talk with a few dear members of my spiritual family.  And here is the thing – none of us would have found one another without Jesus’ church.  Let’s expand it from that small group I was talking with.  In my church we have several different nationalities.  We have several different ethnic backgrounds.  We have people who have voted democrat, republican, independent, and have refused to vote altogether.  We have a wide range of experiences, jobs, education, and ages.  And we can talk about all of that, have talked about all of that in total humility, and widened our ideas about…

…what?  Well, home.  None of those things divide us – because we have a common Father and have found what binds us together is so very much stronger than what could tear us apart.  Because the Lord Jesus is our peace.  Because we have chosen to focus on those things that really matter.  Because we bring all our experiences and all of who we are, redeemed and transformed by Jesus, and are enriched and amazed at God’s grace as wisdom is proven right by all her children as we accept God’s will for our lives.  And in all of this, we find ourselves home….

Come Walk with Us!