Good day at North Penn this morning, this is the final lesson from the book of James titled “In God’s Presence.” The idea is tied to the idea of wisdom vs. foolishness, God’s world view vs. the world’s world view, and double mindedness vs. singleness of purpose. Outline under the video.
In God’s Presence
James 5:13-20
Our relationship to God….
- In the bad….
- James 1:2; 2:6; 5:1-7
- In the good….
- Exodus 15:1-18, 21
- Luke 1:46-56, 68-79
- In sickness….
- Miraculous – II Kings 4:8-37; Luke 8:40-56; Acts 3:1-10
- Other – II Kings 20:7; I Timothy 5:23
- The fellowship comes to the sick – Matthew 18:20
- From sin….
- Confession = accountability – v. 16
- The need to call others back – v. 19-20
- Two world views
- James 1:5-7
- James 4:2-3
- Example of Elijah