Snow Geese and Job

Snow Geese and Job

Despite Punxsutawney Phil’s shadowy prognostications, the snow geese are making their way back to the tundra from parts south.  We’re on a major snow goose route and have been watching them fly overhead for about two weeks now.  They cover barren farmland fields making them winter-like in white, which is fine since we haven’t had much snow this season.  With their higher pitched honk than their Canadian cousins and their relentless drive to move on (unlike their Canadian cousins), they are pleasant reminders of the moving of the seasons at God’s bidding.

We think we know why they start to migrate.  We think it has something to do with the lengthening and shortening of days.  We also think their brains have some sort of built-in magnetic-like compass to help them differentiate north from south.  We think all this because we’ve done tons of research; we may just be right.  But it doesn’t lessen the wonder for me.  And every time I see them, my thoughts turn to Job chapters 38-41.

These chapters really are straight out of another dimension.  Job has suffered for no real reason.  (I’ve talked about Satan and reason here.)  He’s done some complaining.  He’s asked for answers.  He’s crossed some lines.  Instead of answering, God comes back at Job with an avalanche of His own questions Job can’t begin to answer.  The point?  We can’t even scratch the surface of how God has everything worked out.

But it’s the questions that fascinate me, and ultimately, they fascinated Job.  Consider his answer – “Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know (Job 42:3)…”

I really don’t think God intends to shut us up.  “…too wonderful for me to know….”  You see, I think the wonder is key.  I think to delve and discover and try to understand life, creation, humanity, sin, salvation, the universe, quarks… all that stuff… and ultimately God Himself… well… God loves to see us do it.  And if we can’t understand it, to finally be awestruck by it.  “O the depths and the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable His judgements and His ways beyond tracing out (Romans 11:33)!

In the end, Job is blessed doubly.  In maybe not such a small way I share in that blessing every time I see the snow geese making their way back home….

Job 38

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