Sowing Peace in an Angry World

Nothing can make sense of what happened in Uvalde, Texas yesterday.  There was no reason behind it – explanations, maybe – reason, no (I addressed that here).  Events like this make me terribly concerned about the violence around us, the disregard of life, and the frequency it happens.  I was still processing Buffalo, NY when I heard about Uvalde.  My head is spinning.

I won’t wade into the debates about what we just witnessed but something is crystal clear to me – in this very angry world, it is crucial for God’s people to bring peace and to shun anger.  Maybe that sounds weak.  But I’m saying this because more and more I see people wearing the name of Christ (sometimes literally) giving in to the rage our country is steeped in – and to do so is to enter the realm of the senseless.  Proof?  Jesus equates anger at someone with murder (Matthew 5:22-23).  Let’s take a few moments to let that sink in….

…. Are you angry?  What are you angry about?  Who are you angry at?  Where is all that leading?  Not to the righteousness God desires (James 1:20), that is certain.  To unrighteousness then….

So, to be brief – what happened yesterday came from a very angry place.  In our attitudes, in our lives, Jesus doesn’t want us anywhere near that.  Rather, we should strive to reap a harvest of righteousness by sowing peace everywhere we go (James 3:18).

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