Lesson Outlines

Have Faith Like Jesus

Title:  Have Faith Like Jesus

  • Matthew 17:14-21
  • Mark 9:14-29

Life will beat you down….

  • The father and his boy….
  • The disciples….

Cannot take our faith for granted….

  • Is formulaic relational!
  • Is static dynamic!

Faith lives in paradox….

  • Acts, but….
  • It is God doing the action!

Illuminate Like Jesus

Title:  Illuminate Like Jesus

Text:  John 9

The Disciples

  • Jesus penetrated their presuppositions… suffering is not always a result of sin
  • Proved His point with action! – God’s glory displayed in his healing

The Blind Man

  • Spoke to him as a man….
  • Helped him in his need….
  • Planted the seeds of faith and let it grow! (Jesus is invisible to him until v. 37)

The Pharisees… (Two teachers – Jesus and the blind man)

  • Truth-driven! V. 17, 25
  • Did not back down…. V. 30-32
  • The invitation to see is always open! 40-41

Be Confident Like Jesus

Title:  Be Confident Like Jesus

Introduction text:  Mark 1:21-28 (Jesus took the situation in hand with confidence).

Confidence in speech:

  • Tether what you say to the truth – I Cor. 3:7-13
  • Let your actions also speak – Mathew 5 – point out the action portion of Jesus’ sermon. Matthew 13:8, 23 – expound a bit on the parable itself.  I Timothy 4:16

Confidence in God’s power to change people.

  • The power struggle:
    • I Kings 18-19
    • Luke 4:41
    • 3:10, 6:12, Col. 2:15, I Pet. 3:22
    • II Cor. 10:4-5

Know Who You Are Like Jesus

Title:  Know Who You Are Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 9:18-27

Jesus communicated with the Father….

  • Who we are is always relative to God….
    • God acts, we respond!
  • Jesus places Himself in relation to God through prayer….
    • We must practice prayer!

Jesus dealt with misunderstanding….

  • Explained Himself
    • We will have to explain ourselves to a world that does not understand Christ!
  • Was patient with the ambiguity – Even after Peter’s confession, he didn’t really get it….
  • Recognized where the real danger was….
    • Matthew 16:23 – still worked with Peter, recognized Satan’s work….
  • To others
    • Romans 1:16
    • Matthew 28:18-20

See People Like Jesus

Title:  See People Like Jesus

Text:  John 8:1-11

The disingenuous accusers:

  • Where was the man?
  • Their question was not aiming for an answer but for a target.
  • Didn’t see the woman as a woman, but as a tool

Shedding light on the subject….

  • Jesus sees the men for who they are….
  • Jesus sees the woman as a person who needs saving….
  • Physically and spiritually!

Calls each to take stock of their spiritual need….

Send Like Jesus

Title:  Send Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 6:6-13, Luke 9:1-6

The sent are prepared!

  • Jesus spent time with them….
  • Jesus trained them!

The sent had a clear purpose…

  • Gospel is paramount!
  • Brings healing and freedom to all!

Eat Like Jesus

Title:  Eat Like Jesus

Text:  John 4:1-42

It is always time to do God’s work!

  • The harvest is now!
  • Jesus’ conversation always got to the heart of His mission…
    • John 3:3
    • John 4:26
  • The early Christians followed this example…
    • Paul – Act 21-28
    • II Tim. 4:2
    • I Peter 3:15

Jesus found God’s work all-sustaining!

  • John 4:32-34
  • Matthew 4:4
  • Exodus 34:27-28
  • Matthew 6:31-34

Serve Like Jesus

Title:  Serve Like Jesus

Text:  John 13:1-20

  • Relationship over ritual!
  • Service is key to our life together as Christians!
  • This happened in the context of the last supper – true communion takes each other into account! John 13-17

Service does not look for convenience….

  • Jesus is running out of time….
  • He knows He is about to undergo the hardest of tests….
  • He performs the most menial of tasks….

What is service without love?

  • John 13:1
  • I Samuel 25:1-22
  • I Corinthians 13:1-3

Mother’s Day lesson

Title:  Honoring our Mothers!

Opening text:  Exodus 20:12

Honoring is active….

  • Luke 2:41-52
  • John 2:1-11
  • Mark 7:10-12

Honoring is for the here and now (not after they are gone)

  • Luke 11:47-48
  • Leviticus 19:28
  • John 19:25-27

Honoring God is honoring mothers….

  • I Samuel 1:9-11
  • Proverbs 23:23-25
  • II Timothy 1:5


Title:  O Lord, God of Israel, there is No One Like You Text:  I Kings 8:21ff How So?
  • Makes covenants with people… I Kings 8:23 but also….
    • Genesis 15, Exodus 19, Jeremiah 31:31-34
  • Makes His dwelling with them…
    • Psalm 8:3-4, Deuteronomy 4:7, John 1:14; 14:15-21
  • Different from the gods around who were cold, impersonal, distant and fake! – I Kings 18:27ff, Isaiah 44:15
What does the covenant entail?
  • Back to I Kings 8
    • Recognition of our failing
    • Calling on the Lord
He is faithful to answer – Psalm 121 Title:  Let Justice Roll Down like a River…. Title text:  Amos 5:24; Main text:  Isaiah 58
  • He acts in Justice and Righteousness! – Romans 3:21-27
  • Context is always in terms of those in need! – Matthew 25:34-36, James 1:27
  • Psalm 50:1-6, I Corinthians 11:17-33
 Title:  How Much More…. Becoming like God in His Justice Texts:  John 10:22-39, Psalm 82 Jesus defines Himself in John 10:34
  • The Context – Jesus is defending Himself against unbelief.
  • The Method – How much more? Common technique….
  • The Point – Jesus truly is God.
What is the lesser? – Psalm 82
  • God calls men “gods” – v. 6
  • A defining characteristic of “Godness” is justice
  • God pronounces his judgement – Since they are not acting like, it they are demoted to mortality
The Greater is proven right by His actions!
  • Does what the Father does – John 10:37
  • Contrast v. 38
What this means for us….
  • Act in justice – Psalm 82:2-4
  • We become his and gain eternal life (contrast with mortality) – Romans 2:7
Title:  Acting out Justice (God’s action against spiritual oppression to create community) Text:  Various Against gods
  • The gods of other nations are demonic in nature
  • They tear apart society
  • They dehumanize
    • Deuteronomy 12:31, 32:17,
  • In His justice, God passes judgement on them
    • Numbers 33:3-4, I Kings 18
    • Exodus 33:1-4
  • Ethical concern – Exodus 23:9
Against demons
  • Same song, different verse – still dehumanizing, still tearing apart community
    • Luke 8:34-35, Luke 9:42
    • Luke 11:15
Rulers, authorities, and powers in the heavenly realms….
  • In Christ, our spiritual place is realized…. Eph. 2:6
  • The battle is brought to the spiritual realm!
    • 18:18, Ephesians 3:6-11, 14-21, 6:10-12
Title: Acting in Justice Text:  James 2 Clarification – Justice and Righteousness are the same word in NT Greek How?
  • Remember what we’ve been given….
  • 12, Matthew 18:22-35
  • Favoritism has no place in the church!
  • 1-4, 8-11, Exodus 23:1-9
  • See clearly….
  • 5-7, 1:5-8, 22-25
  • Justice is action!
  • 14-26
Title:  Speaking Justice (Talking it Out) Talk….
  • Check your motives – James 3:3-12
  • Be gentle – Proverbs 15:1 Philippians 4:5
  • Recognize God is in the mix – Matthew 18:15; Philippians 2:12-13
  • Don’t jump to conclusions – II Samuel 16:1-4, 19:24-28
  • Don’t think you understand perfectly – James 1:19, Proverbs 29:20, Proverbs 18:17
Be willing to get vulnerable
  • You will hear things you don’t like – Galatians 2:11-14, II Peter 3:15
  • It can/will hurt! Philippians 2:3-8
Assume the best
  • Trust people are speaking the truth in love – Ephesians 4:15, 29
  • Think the best of each other – Philippians 4:8-9
Title:  Doing Justice Text:  Ephesians 4:1-16 Love is the motivator – justice is the outcome.
  • Walk v. 1 (Translated far too often as a passive “live.” Walking is active.)
  • Look out of yourself v. 2
  • Strive for unity v. 3-6
  • Recognize diversity of gifts v. 7-13; Luke 7:35
  • Reach maturity v. 14-16; I Cor. 13:11
 Title:  Justice – Kingdom Business Text:  Matthew 28:16-20 If it is only in the Kingdom true justice is found, what are we doing about it?
  • We know more than just justice is at stake – Romans 1:16-17
  • World is all too willing to use God’s Kingdom for its own ends – Matthew 11:12
  • What the world offers can never satisfy – I Corinthians 3:3, John 14:27, 16:33, Ephesians 2:2, I John 2:15-17
  • We are commissioned to not judge those outside the church – I Corinthians 5:12, John 3:16-21, I Corinthians 11:19
  • We are commissioned to make disciples! Matthew 28:16-20