Lesson Outlines


Title: Be Holy

Text:  Leviticus 11:44-45

We choose wrong standards of comparison

  • Israel with the surrounding kingdoms – I Samuel 8:1-9
  • Parable of the tax collector – Luke 18:9-14
  • Peter and John – John 21:20-22
  • King Belshazzar – Daniel 5:22-26

We too easily conform to those standards….

  • Israel in the promised land – Exodus 34:10-16
  • Ahab and Jezebel – I Kings 16:29-33
  • Israel and Judah – Jeremiah 3:6-10

Be Holy for I am Holy – God is the standard

Title:  Holiness at Sinai – Awe

Text:  Exodus 19


  • God meets His People
  • Challenges them to be holy – v. 5-6
  • Extracts them from the world – v. 5-6

God is not safe….

  • Egypt – v. 4
  • Warning to stay distant – 19:16
  • Desire to stay distant – 20:18-19

Respond in awe….

  • Define: Dread, Terror
  • Tremble – v. 16
  • Fear and terror – Deuteronomy 28:58ff, 26:8
  • Hebrews 10:26-31
  • Hebrews 12:18-29

 Title:  Holiness – Fascination

Text:  Exodus 19:21-23


  • Exodus 3:1-6, 33:13
  • Psalms 15:1, 24:3, 43:3

…despite our fears….

  • 33:18ff,
  • Isaiah 6:
  • Ezekiel 1:
  • Daniel 10:
  • Mark 9:1-6

God makes it possible!

  • II Corinthians 3:7 – 4:6
    • Unfading – v. 11
    • Unveiled – v. 16
    • Reflecting – v. 18
    • Fascinating to others – 4:2
    • Standing full-faced in the presence of Christ – 4:6

 Title:  Holiness and Glory

Text:  Exodus 19

Holiness moves and is dynamic

  • Storm imagery…
    • Exodus 19:16, Psalm 29, Psalm 144:5-8, Exodus 33:21-23
  • Movement
    • Exodus 14, Psalm 19, Romans 6:4, Romans 8:21

How we glorify

  • It is in the doing!
    • Romans 2:7
    • John 15:8
    • I Corinthians 10:31
  • God ultimately glorifies us!
    • John 17:22
    • I Corinthians 2:7-9
    • II Corinthians 3:18
    • I Corinthians 15:42-44

 Title:  Holiness and Cleanliness

Text:  Exodus 19:10ff

Reminded they are in the presence of God

  • Exodus 19:10
  • Exodus 30:19-21
  • Numbers 19:20
  • John 13:8
  • Hebrews 10:22

Lifestyle matters!

  • Psalm 51:2
  • Isaiah 1:16-18
  • John 13:10

Motives Matter!

  • Proverbs 16:2
  • Mark 7:1-7
  • James 4:1-10

Baptism as Washing

  • I Peter 3:13-21
  • Acts 22:16

Title:  Holiness – Who is Like You?

Text:  Exodus 15:11

There is no God like God

  • God revealed: Exodus 19; Daniel 10:4-6; (Ezekiel 1:25-28; Isaiah 6:1-4); Revelation 1:12-16
  • Acknowledged: Isaiah 46:9; Deuteronomy 33:26-29; I Samuel 2:1-2ff

He set His people apart

  • Leviticus 20:24-26
  • Psalm 4:3
  • II Corinthians 6:17
  • Revelation 18:4

What it means….

  • We will look different…. Ephesians 4:17-24; 5:3-13
  • To praise and to witness….I Peter 2:9-12

 Title:  Be Holy

Text:  Leviticus 11:44-45

If we are holy, we will be different….

  • Sometimes hard to square with – Deuteronomy 18:9; Luke 18:2; John 12:43
  • We are transformed – Romans 12:2; II Corinthians 3:18
  • It is noticeable – I Kings 22:8; Acts 4:13; Philippians 2:12-16
  • Contrasts: Galatians 5:19-26; Philippians 3:17-21; Ephesians 4:29-5:7

We will inspire fascination and awe

  • Mark 6:17-20
  • Acts 24:24-27
  • II Corinthians 2:14-15
  • Luke 5:8
  • Acts 16:16-34

Gifts I Corinthians 12:28

Title:  Apostles

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

The Twelve

  • Matthew 10
    • Called by Jesus
    • Sent with a job
      • Consider Mark 6:30-36

The office….

  • Acts 1:15-26; I Corinthians 9:9-10; Acts 26:12-23
  • The message remains the same – Acts 2:14ff

Different uses of the term….

  • Taken as a whole, the term seems to indicate “missionary” – a term that otherwise does not appear in scripture
    • Acts 14:4, 14
    • I Corinthians 15:3-11
    • Galatians 1:19
    • Philippians 2:25
    • I Thessalonians 1:1; 2:7
  • Purpose – to start the church – qualitative and quantitative.

I Corinthians 12:28 – When Paul says “…first, apostles,” this is not an indication of importance but rather of order in how churches get started and how they grow.  The tension is in how important each part of the body is as stated in 12:12-27 and Paul’s “greater gifts” assertion in v. 31

 Title:  Prophets

I Corinthians 12:28


  • Distractions – telling the future – Deuteronomy 18:21-22; Acts 21:10-11;
  • They are sent by God – Amos 7:15
  • It is spoken proclamation (preaching) of the word of God – Jeremiah 1:9; 19:2, 14; Acts 4:29; Amos 7:16
  • Explains what God wants done – Acts 13:1
  • They edify the church – I Corinthians 14:3


  • Prophesies are God’s words – Matthew 10:20; Acts 4:29
  • We test the sent and the source – Deuteronomy 13:2-6; I Thessalonians 5:19-22;
  • The church has the responsibility to “weigh carefully” what is said – I Corinthians 14:29

Title:  Teachers

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

Jesus as Teacher….

  • Spread the gospel first…. Matthew 4:12ff, 4:23-5:2
  • Gains a following like teachers did – John 1:38; 6:25; 3:2; compare with Acts 22:3
  • Yet is unique
  • No training – John 7:27, Matthew 13:54
  • Speaks with greater authority – Matthew 5:17-20; Mark 1:27; John 10:34-37

Teachers in the church

  • The function of explaining – Acts 18:26, Matthew 28:18-20, I Timothy 4:1-11
  • Requires study – I Timothy 1:7, II Timothy 2:15
  • It is a spiritual gift – I Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:7-13
  • Teachers must practice what they teach – John 10:34-37; I Timothy 4:11-16

Title:  Teachers II

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28


  • Need to be careful!
    • For ourselves – Romans 2:21; James 3:1
    • For those who listen – II Timothy 2:14-17
  • Teachers need to stick to the word – II Timothy 3:16
  • It’s not about what I want – II Timothy 4:2ff
    • As a teacher – v. 2,5; Romans 15:4 (ch. 14 as context)
    • As a student/listener – v. 3,4; Judges 17, 18
  • Still, something worth doing! – Hebrews 5:12

Title:  Guidance/Administrators/Helmsmen

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

Life is not static….

  • Life is struggle – Job 5:6-7
  • Every age has its trouble – Ecclesiastes 7:10
  • If we don’t watch it, we can veer off course – James 1:5-7

Jesus as example (walking on water)

  • Matthew 14:22-36, John 6:16-24
    • Several dangers – forced kingship, disciple revolt, bad weather
    • Peter gets distracted – how about us?

I Corinthians 12:28

  • The word translated “gifts of guidance” or “administrators” is “helmsman.”
  • The church needs people with clear minds and strong faith to steer course.

 Title:  Helping Others

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

Why listed here?

  • Emphasizes everyone has a role.
  • The gifts are fluid – we can find ourselves in any number of these roles, this one most often.
  • Order is important here considering the Corinthian problem and their emphasis on tongues.

Sometimes helping is situational….

  • God puts into our paths opportunities to help – I Corinthians 16:3ff; Acts 11:27ff
  • I Peter 2:12 and subsequent history

How to help….

  • Look for opportunities – Galatians 6:10; Philippians 4:10; Colossians 4:5
  • Physically and financially – II Corinthians 8:19; Acts 9:36
  • Spiritually – Acts 16:9; Ephesians 4:29

Title:  Workers of Miracles

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

Concentrated at certain times

  • The Exodus – Exodus 3:19-21; 7:5; 11:9
  • Elijah and Elisha – I Kings 17 – II Kings 13 (I Kings 18; II Kings 5; 6:24-7:7)
  • Judges 6:13
  • Jesus and early church
    • The book of Mark and miracles – 1:20-28; 4:41; 8:27-30
    • Mark 16:15-18; Acts 3; 16:16ff; John 20:29;
    • Contrast: I Corinthians 13:8-10; Philippians 2:25-27

Always for God’s glory

  • To create community – Acts 2 (22-24; 42-47)
  • To show where God’s favor rests – John 10:38; 14:11

Title:  A Case Study in Healing

Text:  John 9

Why is he blind?

  • Disciples and religious leaders assume sin….
  • Deuteronomy 7:12-15; 28:58-59; Job 11:5 versus 23:1-7
  • Jesus is interested in the work of God….

What did Jesus do?

  • Healed the blind man
  • Brought the man to faith
  • Exposed faulty thinking

What are we to do?

  • Pray – James 5:13-16; Psalm 41
  • Remember all healing is from God (where is our faulty thinking?) …. Jeremiah 30:12-17
  • Let God be glorified in all circumstances…. Philippians 4:11-12; Job 2:10
  • Remember our greatest need is always spiritual! Matthew 16:24-26

 Title:  Speaking in Tongues

Text:  I Corinthians 12:28

What are they?

  • Another world language like Spanish or Chinese
  • Apostles, by the Spirit, were able to speak these without learning Acts 2:1-12
  • Purpose – To spread the Gospel quickly

What are they?

  • Groanings too deep for words – Romans 8:26-27
  • Purpose – to express to God what we cannot say but which validly reveals the content of ourselves to God

What are they?

  • A language from Heaven – I Corinthians 13:1
  • Often unintelligible – I Corinthians 14:27-28
  • Might be hyperbole
  • Purpose – Self-edification – 14:4 – sometimes we need it!


  • We often major in minors… the Corinthian Christians did.
  • We should seek to build up the body – I Corinthians 14:12
  • We should always remember what is most important – I Corinthians 15:3-5

Be Like Jesus

Title:  Serve Like Jesus

Text:  John 13:1-20

  • Relationship over ritual!
  • Service is key to our life together as Christians!
  • This happened in the context of the last supper – true communion takes each other into account! John 13-17

Service does not look for convenience….

  • Jesus is running out of time….
  • He knows He is about to undergo the hardest of tests….
  • He performs the most menial of tasks….

What is service without love?

  • John 13:1
  • I Samuel 25:1-22
  • I Corinthians 13:1-3

Title:  Be Nourished Like Jesus

Text:  John 4:1-42

It is always time to do God’s work!

  • The harvest is now!
  • Jesus’ conversation always got to the heart of His mission…
    • John 3:3
    • John 4:26
  • The early Christians followed this example…
    • Paul – Act 21-28
    • II Tim. 4:2
    • I Peter 3:15

Jesus found God’s work all-sustaining!

  • John 4:32-34
  • Matthew 4:4
  • Exodus 34:27-28
  • Matthew 6:31-34

Title:  Send Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 6:6-13, Luke 9:1-6

The sent are prepared!

  • Jesus spent time with them….
  • Jesus trained them!

The sent had a clear purpose…

  • Gospel is paramount!
  • Brings healing and freedom to all!

Title:  See People Like Jesus

Text:  John 8:1-11

The disingenuous accusers:

  • Where was the man?
  • Their question was not aiming for an answer but for a target.
  • Didn’t see the woman as a woman, but as a tool

Shedding light on the subject….

  • Jesus sees the men for who they are….
  • Jesus sees the woman as a person who needs saving….
  • Physically and spiritually!
  • Calls each to take stock of their spiritual need….

Title:  Know Yourself like Jesus Knew Himself

Text:  Luke 9:18-27

Jesus communicated with the Father….

  • Who we are is always relative to God….
    • God acts, we respond!
  • Jesus places Himself in relation to God through prayer….
    • We must practice prayer!

Jesus dealt with misunderstanding….

  • Explained Himself
    • We will have to explain ourselves to a world that does not understand Christ!
  • Was patient with the ambiguity – Even after Peter’s confession, he didn’t really get it….
  • Recognized where the real danger was….
    • Matthew 16:23 – still worked with Peter, recognized Satan’s work….
  • To others
    • Romans 1:16
    • Matthew 28:18-20

Title:  Be Confident Like Jesus

Introduction text:  Mark 1:21-28 (Jesus took the situation in hand with confidence).

Confidence in speech:

  • Tether what you say to the truth – I Cor. 3:7-13
  • Let your actions also speak – Mathew 5 – point out the action portion of Jesus’ sermon. Matthew 13:8, 23 – expound a bit on the parable itself.  I Timothy 4:16

Confidence in God’s power to change people.

  • The power struggle:
    • I Kings 18-19
    • Luke 4:41
    • 3:10, 6:12, Col. 2:15, I Pet. 3:22
    • II Cor. 10:4-5

Title:  Illuminate Like Jesus

Text:  John 9

The Disciples

  • Jesus penetrated their presuppositions… suffering is not always a result of sin
  • Proved His point with action! – God’s glory displayed in his healing

The Blind Man

  • Spoke to him as a man….
  • Helped him in his need….
  • Planted the seeds of faith and let it grow! (Jesus is invisible to him until v. 37)

The Pharisees… (Two teachers – Jesus and the blind man)

  • Truth-driven! V. 17, 25
  • Did not back down…. V. 30-32
  • The invitation to see is always open! 40-41

Title:  Have Faith Like Jesus

  • Matthew 17:14-21
  • Mark 9:14-29

Life will beat you down….

  • The father and his boy….
  • The disciples….

Cannot take our faith for granted….

  • Is formulaic relational!
  • Is static dynamic!

Faith lives in paradox….

  • Acts, but….
  • It is God doing the action!

Title:  Be Flexible Like Jesus

Text:  John 2:1-11 – The Wedding at Cana

Relationships are Key!

  • Jesus and the wedding party
  • Jesus and his mother
  • Jesus and the servants
  • The servants and the master of the banquet
  • Jesus and his disciples

Anchored to Principle…

  • The message in His method….
  • Hour: 2:4, 7:30, 8:20, 12:23, 12:27, 13:1, 17:1
  • Wine: John 6:53-56, Luke 22:20
  • Ceremonial cleansing vs. the cleansing of Jesus’ blood:
    • Heb. 9:11-14, Rev. 7:14-17
  • “The best for last” – an eschatological reality:
    • Rev. 21:9, 22:17

The Takeaways….

  • There is time to enjoy life….
  • Not everything goes according to plan….
  • It is always time to do the right thing!
  • Infuse every moment with meaning!

Title:  Be Strong Like Jesus

Opening text:  Matthew 4:1-11

Know where your nourishment comes from….

  • Matthew 4:4
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-3
  • Matthew 6:25-26
  • John 6
  • Philippians 3:17-21

Know who you are….

  • Identity Crisis:
    • Matthew 4:3, 6-7
    • 6:16, Ex. 17:1-7
  • Who are you in God’s sight?
    • Matthew 3:16-17
    • 139:13
    • 1:5

Give God His due….

  • Matthew 4:8-10
  • 6:13
  • 50:9-12
  • Jesus did it God’s way….

Be prepared!

  • 4:2
  • I Tim. 4:8
  • II Tim. 3:16 -17
  • I Pet. 3:15

Title:  In adversity, be compassionate like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:13-21 – Feeding the 5,000

Jesus met the needs of others in times of His own need

  • Jesus saw the need for solitude, did not get it. How did He react?
    • Not with impatience
    • Not with resentment
    • Not dismissively
    • With compassion

Jesus calls others to see the need!

  • We are the hands and feet of Jesus….
  • Jesus can do amazing things through us!

All our resources belong to Jesus!

  • Time is His….
  • They didn’t waste the abundance….

 Title:  Inspire Like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:22-43

What they saw Jesus do made them want to do likewise!

  • 14:28
  • Acts 4:13
  • I Thess. 1:6

Encouraged action when Peter wanted to act!

  • 14:29 – don’t be too hard on Peter – he’s the only other one to walk on water….
  • Another example: Acts 18:27

Jesus rescues when we are in trouble!

  • 14:31
  • Jude 1:23

Title:  Explain Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 7:18-35

Jesus attracted attention:

  • The righteous
  • The needy

Jesus placed Himself in context….

  • John and the prophets….
  • What is our context?

Jesus encouraged right thinking….

  • The lost are worth weeping over….
  • The gospel is worth celebrating!

Title:  Change Lives Like Jesus

Text:  John 5:1-15

Jesus changes the whole person – Romans 5:12ff

In body….

  • Healed the man… John 5:8-9
  • We are not to ignore the physical….
    • James 2:14-17
    • II Corinthians 8:1-15
    • Romans 15:26

In mind….

  • Changed the man’s world-view…
    • True healing comes from God
    • Don’t hold to presuppositions (Mark 3:4, Luke 6:9)

In spirit…

  • Jesus required repentance from the man – John 5:14
  • Everything we do needs to point to the spiritual!
  • Mark 8:36

Title: Be Intentional Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 5:21-43

Jesus does not lose sight of His mission…

  • Just returned from healing the demoniac in Gentile territory
  • The good news is for all….
    • Jairus – the synagogue ruler with status
    • An unknown, unclean woman

Jesus calls us to see His mission

  • The woman – Faith cannot be anonymous
  • Jairus – God works in His time
  • The crowd – we won’t see God’s glory if we refuse to see it

Title:  Be Sure Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 3:20-35

When you do the right thing, you will face opposition

  • Genesis 39 – Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
  • Acts 16:16-24 Paul in Philippi
  • John 15:18-25 “The world hates the disciples”

Jesus was sure what He was about:  Mark 5

  • Some called Him crazy
    • Defied normal convention – attracting crowds, couldn’t eat.
  • Some attributed his actions to dangerous or wicked origins or purposes

Jesus challenged both claims:  Mark 5

  • Redefines relationships and priorities: v 31-34
  • Calmly sets out the facts: v 23-30
  • Leaves ego out of it (Mt. 12:32, Luke 12:10)
  • Gives sufficient warning to where the real danger lies. Jude 9, Romans 12:19

Title:  Pray Like Jesus

Text:  John 17

Emphasizes the glory of God and Jesus

  • Glory used 9 times in chapter 17.
  • It is something we speak about….
  • It is something we bring about in our actions!

Jesus’ prayer shows concern for His own….

  • The connection among those who follow Jesus….
  • “In your name….” We belong to the same name!
  • Protection as we strive to share with others – v. 15
  • To make and to keep holy….

Jesus thinks in the long-term….

  • Prays for the world….
  • Jesus had us in mind….
  • Do we think long-term?
    • II Kings 20:17-20

 Title:  Forgive Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 23:32-43

Jesus forgives freely….

  • The criminal….
    • Fears God
    • Recognizes his own guilt
    • Knows Jesus’ own salvation is through death, not in avoiding it…
  • “Today you will be with me in Paradise….”
  • Romans 5:8
  • Ephesians 2:8-9

Jesus brings life!

  • John 1:4
  • John 10:10
  • In keeping with God’s purposes
    • Psalm 30:4-5
    • Proverbs 13:12

We have a tremendous obligation and privilege!

  • We forgive without limit…
    • Matthew 18:22
  • Our actions and inactions are tied to eternity….
    • Matthew 18:18

Title:  Redefine Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 24:13-35

Reality is clear….

  • Jesus reprimands them for their foolishness… This should be obvious!
  • Shifts all they know into the person of Himself! (The resurrection proves the worldly perspective wrong.)

A shift from sight to faith

  • Jesus was invisible to them!
  • What else is invisible to us?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus is making in people?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus wants to make in us?

A shift from the temporal to the eternal

  • Jesus defeats death….
  • Jesus instills hope!
    • In Himself….
    • For us!

 Title:  Be Patient Like Jesus

Text:  John 11:1-44

Being patient will sometimes cause  misunderstanding….

  • We are up against an instant gratification culture… Ps. 27:14, 37:7, Is. 41:31
  • There is a conflict between being and seeming… John 11:25-27
  • Some will never get it… John 11:47-48

Jesus looked for the  greater impact…

  • Teachable moments John 11:25, 41-42
  • Jesus wanted to instill belief v. 15, 45
  • Jesus looked to glorify God! 40

Title: Know the Truth like Jesus….

Text:  John 18

Jesus is grounded in the truth!

Life is primarily the Spiritual!

  • Not financial
    • Joshua 7
    • John 12:4-6
  • Not physical
    • Matthew 4:4
    • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Not political
  • Not institutional

Our call is to know the truth!

  • The Truth is Jesus!
    • Pilate ignores at his peril – John 18:38
    • John 14:6