Lesson Outlines

Acting out Justice

Title:  Acting out Justice (God’s action against spiritual oppression to create community)

Text:  Various

Against gods

  • The gods of other nations are demonic in nature
  • They tear apart society
  • They dehumanize
    • Deuteronomy 12:31, 32:17,
  • In His justice, God passes judgement on them
    • Numbers 33:3-4, I Kings 18
    • Exodus 33:1-4
  • Ethical concern – Exodus 23:9

Against demons

  • Same song, different verse – still dehumanizing, still tearing apart community
    • Luke 8:34-35, Luke 9:42
    • Luke 11:15

Rulers, authorities, and powers in the heavenly realms….

  • In Christ, our spiritual place is realized…. Eph. 2:6
  • The battle is brought to the spiritual realm!
    • 18:18, Ephesians 3:6-11, 14-21, 6:10-12

How Much More Becoming like God in His Justice

Title:  How Much More…. Becoming like God in His Justice

Texts:  John 10:22-39, Psalm 82

Jesus defines Himself in John 10:34

  • The Context – Jesus is defending Himself against unbelief.
  • The Method – How much more? Common technique….
  • The Point – Jesus truly is God.

What is the lesser? – Psalm 82

  • God calls men “gods” – v. 6
  • A defining characteristic of “Godness” is justice
  • God pronounces his judgement – Since they are not acting like, it they are demoted to mortality

The Greater is proven right by His actions!

  • Does what the Father does – John 10:37
  • Contrast v. 38

What this means for us….

  • Act in justice – Psalm 82:2-4

We become His and gain eternal life (contrast with mortality) – Romans 2:7

Let Justice Roll Down like a River

Title:  Let Justice Roll Down like a River

Title text:  Amos 5:24

Main text:  Isaiah 58

  • He acts in Justice and Righteousness! – Romans 3:21-27
  • Context is always in terms of those in need! – Matthew 25:34-36, James 1:27
  • Psalm 50:1-6, I Corinthians 11:17-33

O Lord, God of Israel, there is No One Like You

Title:  O Lord, God of Israel, there is No One Like You

Text:  I Kings 8:21ff

How So?

  • Makes covenants with people… I Kings 8:23 but also….
    • Genesis 15, Exodus 19, Jeremiah 31:31-34
  • Makes His dwelling with them…
    • Psalm 8:3-4, Deuteronomy 4:7, John 1:14; 14:15-21
  • Different from the gods around who were cold, impersonal, distant and fake! – I Kings 18:27ff, Isaiah 44:15

What does the covenant entail?

  • Back to I Kings 8
    • Recognition of our failing
    • Calling on the Lord

He is faithful to answer – Psalm 121

Barnabas – Son of Encouragement

Title:  Barnabas – Son of Encouragement

Text:  Acts 4:36

Acts 4 does not tell us much….

  • Barnabas was renamed “Son of Encouragement…”
  • …or exhortation…
  • …or consolation…
  • …or comfort….

How did he encourage?

  • Took care of those in need…. Acts 4:34-36
  • Did what needed doing when it needed doing…. Acts 9:26-28; 11:19-24; 13:1-3
  • Exhorted others to remain faithful – 11:23
  • Converted souls for Christ – Acts 11:24
  • Brought others along in the work…. Acts 11:25-26
  • Didn’t give up on people – Acts 15:36-41

James – The Discerning Peacemaker

Title:  James – The Discerning Peacemaker

Text:  Acts 15

Conflict between two groups of Christians….

  • Probably sincere….
  • Definitely out of line – Acts 15:24
  • Peter’s role – Galatians 2:11-14; Acts 15:6-11
  • Paul and Barnabas’ testimony – 15:12

James’ rationale….

  • God has clearly worked
  • Covenant language – a people for Himself – Deuteronomy 14:2; Acts 15:14
  • Makes a compromise – Acts 15:20
  • All are encouraged – 15:31

Mark – a Man of Growth

Title:  Mark – a Man of Growth

Text:  II Timothy 4:11

An early disciple….

  • Barnabas was his cousin – Colossians 4:10
  • Had seen the power of God displayed and discussed – Acts 12:12

Missionary effort

  • Barnabas believed in Mark – Acts 12:25, Acts 15:39
  • Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas – Acts 13:13
  • What happened?
    • Culture shock?
    • Homesick?
    • Family responsibilities? (Acts 12:12 – no father mentioned)
  • It bothered Paul – Acts 15:37-39; Matthew 8:19-22

The rest of the story?

  • Gave it another try – Acts 15:37-39
  • Becomes close to Peter and Paul – I Peter 5:13; Colossians 4:10; II Timothy 4:11
  • Writes the book of Mark….

Stephan – The First Martyr

Title:  Stephan – The First Martyr

Text:  Acts 6 and 7

Clarification – The word translated “witness” in our English Bibles comes from the NT Greek word martyr.

Given responsibility….

  • Full of the Spirit and wisdom – 6:3
  • Allowed for others to do the work they needed to do – 6:2-4
  • Went beyond given responsibilities (gaining talents?) – 6:8-10
  • God’s kingdom grew – 6:7

Stephen’s gifts….

  • Miraculous – 6:8
  • Knew scripture and how to use it – 6:10
    • His Defense
      • To the charge of blasphemy
        • Gives God His due – 7:2; 32-34; 48-50
      • Disrespectful of place
      • God is not contained in place 7:48-50
      • It’s all about Jesus – 7:52
    • Brave – 7:51-56
    • Forgiving – 7:59-60


Title:  Philip

Text:  Acts 8

An outsider’s perspective, part I

  • A Hellenist like the other chosen six – Acts 6:5
  • Did not get bogged down in times of trouble – Acts 8:4-5
  • Reached out to those not like himself….


  • The apostles and the Samaritans….
    • God puts reconciliation in our hands – 8:14-17
    • John Boanerges – Luke 9:54
    • Shows the Samaritans they are accepted
    • The schism between Jew and Samaritan is bridged in Christ
  • Simon – conversion is a matter of the heart

An outsider’s perspective, part II

  • Did what God told him to do – Acts 8:26-30
  • Saw the opportunity and knew what to do – 8:30
  • Knew Jesus is the point of scripture – 8:32-35
  • Explained what was necessary – 8:36-38


Title:  Lydia

Text:  Acts 16:11-15


  • Acts 16:6-10
  • Paul and Silas are moving through modern day Turkey
  • They are thwarted by the Spirit from moving further into Asia
  • Paul sees the vision of a man from Macedonia
  • Concludes they are to preach the gospel there

Lydia – Paul’s first convert in Europe….

  • A woman of means… v. 14
  • Did not keep the gospel for herself… v. 15
  • Practiced hospitality… v. 15, 40
  • Became the nucleus of the church…