
The Steadfast Love of the Lord

From Lamentations 3:22-23, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases…. Simply was amazed when my daughter shouted out in excitement this morning we had a zebra swallowtail in the yard, He shows His steadfast love in new ways every day!

God’s Creation

Just a short artistic video clip expressing some realities about God’s creation.  I first ran across what I learned was an old idea in a book called God For Us by Catherine Mowery LaCugna.  but I can highly recommend it.  Here is the clip….

Come Walk with Us!

Against Favoritism

Against favoritism

James 2:1-13

Original context

  • Wealth – seen as a sign of God’s favor, Jesus worked against this concept.
  • James has in mind visitors probably. It is rude to not make room for a guest to sit and insulting to have someone sit at your feet.


  • We are believers in the glorious Lord Jesus Christ – “Glorious” is a loaded word, often tied to the second coming and judgement. Matthew 16:27; 24:30; Titus 2:13.  Connect this judgement to v. 12 and 13.
  • God choses the poor for richness in faith and Kingdom inheritance… v. 5
    • Mark 10:17 – rich young ruler has trouble following Jesus because trust is in wealth
    • Those who are most needy are often those most receptive to the Gospel.
  • Practically speaking, why would we favor oppressors? V. 6 – not axiomatic, but those with power have a tendency to abuse power.
  • But it is also God’s way to not show favoritism – v. 8; Leviticus 19:15; Matthew 5:43-48

Present application – the rest of the sermon almost preaches itself.  Think about the ways we discriminate.  Jesus will not have it….

  • Wealth
  • Nationality
  • Skin color
  • Political affiliation
  • Fill in the blank

Come Walk with Us!

God’s Word and Pure Religion from James 1

God’s Word and Pure Religion from James 1
Outline: Proper speech part 1….
  • The word is planted within us, what words are we using?
  • How we accept the word is important – do we accept it with the proper attitude?
  • Does it transform our language to others?
The mirror….
  • Sometimes, we don’t want to look in the mirror.
  • Sometimes, we are too distracted to see what we really need to see.
  • We need to look into the mirror closely and make adjustments….
    • This is self-focus
    • This is not a once and done
    • Requires action
Pure religion….
  • Ties to the mirror examination.
  • Second reference to speech
  • Looking after widows and orphans – justice
  • Keeping from being polluted by the world….

Come Walk with Us!

Seeing Clearly from James 1

Trials and Wisdom
  • We don’t take joy in the trial itself….
  • We need a new lens to see our world….
  • Wisdom is the lens we lack….
  • God will give it to us!
  • The trials focus the lens from the temporary to the eternal….
Wealth and Poverty Through Wisdom’s Lens….
  • The poorest of the poor are rich when in the Kingdom of God (Galatians 3:26)
  • The rich, when in Christ, take on the nature of Christ’s humility.
  • It is wise, on the part of both, to see the fleeting nature of wealth….
Neither temptation nor trials are from God….
  • God can use them….
  • Perseverance brings us to the eternal (v. 12, v. 4)
  • God gives us good things – wisdom understands this….

Come Walk with Us!

Introduction to the Book of James

The introductory sermon to the book of James with video link James and Jesus
  • One of Jesus’ brothers along with three others – Joseph, Simon, and Judas – Matthew 13:55
  • Thought Jesus was out of His mind – Mark 3:20-21 (Liar, Lunatic, Lord?)
  • Did not believe in Jesus – John 7:1-5
  • Jesus entrusted His mother to a believer – John 19:26
  • Jesus appeared to James – I Corinthians 15:7
  • James became an early believer – Acts 1:12-14
  • Becomes a major leader in the church in Jerusalem
  • Is referred to as “apostle” though not one of the 12 – Galatians 1:19
  • Writes the book we know as “James.”
How James sees it….
  • There are only two ways to see things – God’s way or the world’s way; looking through both lenses doesn’t work – James 1:8
  • God’s way is stable – the world’s way is not – James 1:6; 16-17
  • Worldly wisdom causes chaos and is from the devil, Heavenly wisdom brings peace and is from God – 3:13-18; 1:5

Come Walk with Us!

Wisdom and God’s No-Judgement Policy

From James 1:5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault….