Devotional Material
O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord! – Isaiah 2:5
Where to get Luke for You
The Gospel of Luke is truly for you. And Luke for You, in challenging yet simple ways, brings readers to that powerful conclusion. Whether you have never considered Jesus as an option for your life or have walked with Him for years, come see yourself in all the people Jesus interacted with. And why not? The most burning questions of our time have been the most burning questions of all time. Luke’s gospel shows people not only asking these questions, but living them – and living out the answers in wonderful and transformed ways. Luke for You dynamically shows that their stories are our stories and that we are tied together with the eternal thread of human experience. Come challenge yourself to think through the minds of the proud, the powerful, the wealthy, the suffering, the dispossessed, the social outcasts and the hurting. You will find at the crux of it all Jesus – the God-man who continually transforms each generation. Luke for You will help you see the Gospel of Luke in a fresh new light, sure to illuminate how Jesus is as relevant today as He was two-thousand years ago.
Luke for You can be purchased in several different formats including ebooks from Google Play, Nook, and Kindle as well as paperback from Outskirts Press, Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Christian Book Distributors. Prices fluctuate so you’ll want to check to make sure! The links are below….

Where to get the Luke for You Study Guide
The Luke for You Study Guide is designed to help discussion leaders, Bible school teachers, and individuals read meaningfully through the Gospel of Luke. It is designed as a companion book to Luke for You by Galen Harrill but is thorough enough as a stand-alone guide for anyone wanting a better understanding and appreciation of Luke’s gospel. All will be enriched as everyone works through thought-provoking questions that encourage groups and individuals to live out Luke’s message and embrace the gospel for themselves.
Available now in paperback and Kindle from Amazon!