Walking Together

For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in faithfulness to you. - Psalm 26:3

About me

So.  I’m the one in the middle standing with my wonderful wife and three daughters on a path somewhere in the Pine Barrens of South Jersey.  I grew up nearby and was blessed to have a church family dedicated to helping all walk in the faith daily.  I’ve done a bit of walking since – college and graduate school in Texas; internships in Illinois, California, and East Africa; ten years of mission work in Prague, Czech Republic where I met and married my wife (who, by the way, refuses to call her homeland Czechia); and the past several years in Pennsylvania living in Amish country while ministering for a church a bit outside of Philadelphia.  I’m what some would call a tentmaker, a term coming from the apostle Paul’s lifestyle of earning a living by his trade so he could do his mission work.  I am a special education teacher at a public high school.  Full-time ministry is great – but not all churches can afford it and I think working outside the church allows me to understand the struggles people face in their own walk with God.  Besides three kids, we also live with two cats and a parakeet (Covid-19 additions) and some chickens, which thankfully have their own accommodations somewhat apart from the house.  I like to read, garden, hike, and run – but I love God more than anything and that’s why this website exists. 


I created Daily Faith Walk with the understanding that our faith isn’t faith unless it’s an active faith.  So many passages in our modern Bibles encourage us to live – but most often the word is more accurately translated “walk.”  It’s an important distinction.  We know in our minds the importance of staying active.  A sedentary life is not a healthy life; we need to move and fill those lungs to capacity and get that heart to beat faster.  But since we are primarily spiritual, flexing those spiritual muscles is even more important.  For maximum impact, it should be daily! 


I have a lot here in Daily Faith Walk that is simply free for the taking to use as you see fit.  I also offer links to sellers of a book I wrote – I have others in the works and hope this section grows.  The book review section reviews books I like but I’m not selling those – so back to the free stuff.  I’m not concerned with getting the credit for anything there.  If you find something useful and use it publicly somewhere, don’t feel like you need to cite me or get my permission.  You don’t.  My prayer is simply that everything here helps you walk – and if that in turn helps others, all the better!  

Let's walk together!


David says in Psalm 8 that God crowns us with glory and honor, much to his amazement.  Mine too.  But I believe if that’s what God does, we need to spread that around to each other too.  So I want to give a shoutout to https://www.stephlynnphotography.com/ for the above family picture.  Be sure to check out Steph’s work if you find yourself in or near South Jersey and need a photographer.  In addition, along with just a few pictures I took, I used pictures from Unsplash, Pixabay and Pexels.  I want to also thank my wife who is crazy supportive of me in all the ways I minister.  Finally, and most of all, I thank God in all seriousness who got all this rolling by blessing me with a broken hip!  All things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose!  God has certainly been gracious to me.