Walk with Us!

...if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another... I John 1:7


Jesus gave his life up for the church.  It’s that important! The North Penn church is where I currently minister. The Conestoga Valley church is close to home and oversaw our work in the Czech Republic for ten years.  Look us up when you are in the area!


While not churches, these organizations and individuals ae doing good work for the Kingdom.  I won’t put words into their mouths, please click on the links for more information that I provide here.  Eastern European Mission has been working to get the Gospel in the hands of as many people as possible no matter what the odds since 1961.  Caretakers is dedicated to giving missionaries much-needed restorative help.  Living and Loving Whole is run by a long-time friend doing serious women’s ministry.  Camp Manatawny is a Christian summer camp for young people 1st through 12th grade in Pottstown, PA.  Finally, the Waterstreet Rescue Mission is an organization reaching out to the homeless in Lancaster, PA.  Many in our church have volunteered as they are running the most effective program in the area.  

Come Walk with Us!

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