Be Like Jesus

Title:  Serve Like Jesus

Text:  John 13:1-20

  • Relationship over ritual!
  • Service is key to our life together as Christians!
  • This happened in the context of the last supper – true communion takes each other into account! John 13-17

Service does not look for convenience….

  • Jesus is running out of time….
  • He knows He is about to undergo the hardest of tests….
  • He performs the most menial of tasks….

What is service without love?

  • John 13:1
  • I Samuel 25:1-22
  • I Corinthians 13:1-3

Title:  Be Nourished Like Jesus

Text:  John 4:1-42

It is always time to do God’s work!

  • The harvest is now!
  • Jesus’ conversation always got to the heart of His mission…
    • John 3:3
    • John 4:26
  • The early Christians followed this example…
    • Paul – Act 21-28
    • II Tim. 4:2
    • I Peter 3:15

Jesus found God’s work all-sustaining!

  • John 4:32-34
  • Matthew 4:4
  • Exodus 34:27-28
  • Matthew 6:31-34

Title:  Send Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 6:6-13, Luke 9:1-6

The sent are prepared!

  • Jesus spent time with them….
  • Jesus trained them!

The sent had a clear purpose…

  • Gospel is paramount!
  • Brings healing and freedom to all!

Title:  See People Like Jesus

Text:  John 8:1-11

The disingenuous accusers:

  • Where was the man?
  • Their question was not aiming for an answer but for a target.
  • Didn’t see the woman as a woman, but as a tool

Shedding light on the subject….

  • Jesus sees the men for who they are….
  • Jesus sees the woman as a person who needs saving….
  • Physically and spiritually!
  • Calls each to take stock of their spiritual need….

Title:  Know Yourself like Jesus Knew Himself

Text:  Luke 9:18-27

Jesus communicated with the Father….

  • Who we are is always relative to God….
    • God acts, we respond!
  • Jesus places Himself in relation to God through prayer….
    • We must practice prayer!

Jesus dealt with misunderstanding….

  • Explained Himself
    • We will have to explain ourselves to a world that does not understand Christ!
  • Was patient with the ambiguity – Even after Peter’s confession, he didn’t really get it….
  • Recognized where the real danger was….
    • Matthew 16:23 – still worked with Peter, recognized Satan’s work….
  • To others
    • Romans 1:16
    • Matthew 28:18-20

Title:  Be Confident Like Jesus

Introduction text:  Mark 1:21-28 (Jesus took the situation in hand with confidence).

Confidence in speech:

  • Tether what you say to the truth – I Cor. 3:7-13
  • Let your actions also speak – Mathew 5 – point out the action portion of Jesus’ sermon. Matthew 13:8, 23 – expound a bit on the parable itself.  I Timothy 4:16

Confidence in God’s power to change people.

  • The power struggle:
    • I Kings 18-19
    • Luke 4:41
    • 3:10, 6:12, Col. 2:15, I Pet. 3:22
    • II Cor. 10:4-5

Title:  Illuminate Like Jesus

Text:  John 9

The Disciples

  • Jesus penetrated their presuppositions… suffering is not always a result of sin
  • Proved His point with action! – God’s glory displayed in his healing

The Blind Man

  • Spoke to him as a man….
  • Helped him in his need….
  • Planted the seeds of faith and let it grow! (Jesus is invisible to him until v. 37)

The Pharisees… (Two teachers – Jesus and the blind man)

  • Truth-driven! V. 17, 25
  • Did not back down…. V. 30-32
  • The invitation to see is always open! 40-41

Title:  Have Faith Like Jesus

  • Matthew 17:14-21
  • Mark 9:14-29

Life will beat you down….

  • The father and his boy….
  • The disciples….

Cannot take our faith for granted….

  • Is formulaic relational!
  • Is static dynamic!

Faith lives in paradox….

  • Acts, but….
  • It is God doing the action!

Title:  Be Flexible Like Jesus

Text:  John 2:1-11 – The Wedding at Cana

Relationships are Key!

  • Jesus and the wedding party
  • Jesus and his mother
  • Jesus and the servants
  • The servants and the master of the banquet
  • Jesus and his disciples

Anchored to Principle…

  • The message in His method….
  • Hour: 2:4, 7:30, 8:20, 12:23, 12:27, 13:1, 17:1
  • Wine: John 6:53-56, Luke 22:20
  • Ceremonial cleansing vs. the cleansing of Jesus’ blood:
    • Heb. 9:11-14, Rev. 7:14-17
  • “The best for last” – an eschatological reality:
    • Rev. 21:9, 22:17

The Takeaways….

  • There is time to enjoy life….
  • Not everything goes according to plan….
  • It is always time to do the right thing!
  • Infuse every moment with meaning!

Title:  Be Strong Like Jesus

Opening text:  Matthew 4:1-11

Know where your nourishment comes from….

  • Matthew 4:4
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-3
  • Matthew 6:25-26
  • John 6
  • Philippians 3:17-21

Know who you are….

  • Identity Crisis:
    • Matthew 4:3, 6-7
    • 6:16, Ex. 17:1-7
  • Who are you in God’s sight?
    • Matthew 3:16-17
    • 139:13
    • 1:5

Give God His due….

  • Matthew 4:8-10
  • 6:13
  • 50:9-12
  • Jesus did it God’s way….

Be prepared!

  • 4:2
  • I Tim. 4:8
  • II Tim. 3:16 -17
  • I Pet. 3:15

Title:  In adversity, be compassionate like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:13-21 – Feeding the 5,000

Jesus met the needs of others in times of His own need

  • Jesus saw the need for solitude, did not get it. How did He react?
    • Not with impatience
    • Not with resentment
    • Not dismissively
    • With compassion

Jesus calls others to see the need!

  • We are the hands and feet of Jesus….
  • Jesus can do amazing things through us!

All our resources belong to Jesus!

  • Time is His….
  • They didn’t waste the abundance….

 Title:  Inspire Like Jesus!

Text:  Matthew 14:22-43

What they saw Jesus do made them want to do likewise!

  • 14:28
  • Acts 4:13
  • I Thess. 1:6

Encouraged action when Peter wanted to act!

  • 14:29 – don’t be too hard on Peter – he’s the only other one to walk on water….
  • Another example: Acts 18:27

Jesus rescues when we are in trouble!

  • 14:31
  • Jude 1:23

Title:  Explain Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 7:18-35

Jesus attracted attention:

  • The righteous
  • The needy

Jesus placed Himself in context….

  • John and the prophets….
  • What is our context?

Jesus encouraged right thinking….

  • The lost are worth weeping over….
  • The gospel is worth celebrating!

Title:  Change Lives Like Jesus

Text:  John 5:1-15

Jesus changes the whole person – Romans 5:12ff

In body….

  • Healed the man… John 5:8-9
  • We are not to ignore the physical….
    • James 2:14-17
    • II Corinthians 8:1-15
    • Romans 15:26

In mind….

  • Changed the man’s world-view…
    • True healing comes from God
    • Don’t hold to presuppositions (Mark 3:4, Luke 6:9)

In spirit…

  • Jesus required repentance from the man – John 5:14
  • Everything we do needs to point to the spiritual!
  • Mark 8:36

Title: Be Intentional Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 5:21-43

Jesus does not lose sight of His mission…

  • Just returned from healing the demoniac in Gentile territory
  • The good news is for all….
    • Jairus – the synagogue ruler with status
    • An unknown, unclean woman

Jesus calls us to see His mission

  • The woman – Faith cannot be anonymous
  • Jairus – God works in His time
  • The crowd – we won’t see God’s glory if we refuse to see it

Title:  Be Sure Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 3:20-35

When you do the right thing, you will face opposition

  • Genesis 39 – Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
  • Acts 16:16-24 Paul in Philippi
  • John 15:18-25 “The world hates the disciples”

Jesus was sure what He was about:  Mark 5

  • Some called Him crazy
    • Defied normal convention – attracting crowds, couldn’t eat.
  • Some attributed his actions to dangerous or wicked origins or purposes

Jesus challenged both claims:  Mark 5

  • Redefines relationships and priorities: v 31-34
  • Calmly sets out the facts: v 23-30
  • Leaves ego out of it (Mt. 12:32, Luke 12:10)
  • Gives sufficient warning to where the real danger lies. Jude 9, Romans 12:19

Title:  Pray Like Jesus

Text:  John 17

Emphasizes the glory of God and Jesus

  • Glory used 9 times in chapter 17.
  • It is something we speak about….
  • It is something we bring about in our actions!

Jesus’ prayer shows concern for His own….

  • The connection among those who follow Jesus….
  • “In your name….” We belong to the same name!
  • Protection as we strive to share with others – v. 15
  • To make and to keep holy….

Jesus thinks in the long-term….

  • Prays for the world….
  • Jesus had us in mind….
  • Do we think long-term?
    • II Kings 20:17-20

 Title:  Forgive Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 23:32-43

Jesus forgives freely….

  • The criminal….
    • Fears God
    • Recognizes his own guilt
    • Knows Jesus’ own salvation is through death, not in avoiding it…
  • “Today you will be with me in Paradise….”
  • Romans 5:8
  • Ephesians 2:8-9

Jesus brings life!

  • John 1:4
  • John 10:10
  • In keeping with God’s purposes
    • Psalm 30:4-5
    • Proverbs 13:12

We have a tremendous obligation and privilege!

  • We forgive without limit…
    • Matthew 18:22
  • Our actions and inactions are tied to eternity….
    • Matthew 18:18

Title:  Redefine Like Jesus

Text:  Luke 24:13-35

Reality is clear….

  • Jesus reprimands them for their foolishness… This should be obvious!
  • Shifts all they know into the person of Himself! (The resurrection proves the worldly perspective wrong.)

A shift from sight to faith

  • Jesus was invisible to them!
  • What else is invisible to us?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus is making in people?
    • Are we blind to the change Jesus wants to make in us?

A shift from the temporal to the eternal

  • Jesus defeats death….
  • Jesus instills hope!
    • In Himself….
    • For us!

 Title:  Be Patient Like Jesus

Text:  John 11:1-44

Being patient will sometimes cause  misunderstanding….

  • We are up against an instant gratification culture… Ps. 27:14, 37:7, Is. 41:31
  • There is a conflict between being and seeming… John 11:25-27
  • Some will never get it… John 11:47-48

Jesus looked for the  greater impact…

  • Teachable moments John 11:25, 41-42
  • Jesus wanted to instill belief v. 15, 45
  • Jesus looked to glorify God! 40

Title: Know the Truth like Jesus….

Text:  John 18

Jesus is grounded in the truth!

Life is primarily the Spiritual!

  • Not financial
    • Joshua 7
    • John 12:4-6
  • Not physical
    • Matthew 4:4
    • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Not political
  • Not institutional

Our call is to know the truth!

  • The Truth is Jesus!
    • Pilate ignores at his peril – John 18:38
    • John 14:6