Be Strong Like Jesus – The Temptation of Christ

Title:  Be Strong Like Jesus

Opening text:  Matthew 4:1-11

Know where your nourishment comes from….

  • Matthew 4:4
  • Deuteronomy 8:1-3
  • Matthew 6:25-26
  • John 6
  • Philippians 3:17-21

Know who you are….

  • Identity Crisis:
    • Matthew 4:3, 6-7
    • 6:16, Ex. 17:1-7
  • Who are you in God’s sight?
    • Matthew 3:16-17
    • 139:13
    • 1:5

Give God His due….

  • Matthew 4:8-10
  • 6:13
  • 50:9-12
  • Jesus did it God’s way….

Be prepared!

  • 4:2
  • I Tim. 4:8
  • II Tim. 3:16 -17
  • I Pet. 3:15