Be Sure Like Jesus

Title:  Be Sure Like Jesus

Text:  Mark 3:20-35

When you do the right thing, you will face opposition

  • Genesis 39 – Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
  • Acts 16:16-24 Paul in Philippi
  • John 15:18-25 “The world hates the disciples”

Jesus was sure what He was about:  Mark 5

  • Some called Him crazy
    • Defied normal convention – attracting crowds, couldn’t eat.
  • Some attributed his actions to dangerous or wicked origins or purposes

Jesus challenged both claims:  Mark 5

  • Redefines relationships and priorities: v 31-34
  • Calmly sets out the facts: v 23-30
  • Leaves ego out of it (Mt. 12:32, Luke 12:10)
  • Gives sufficient warning to where the real danger lies. Jude 9, Romans 12:19