Do Not Boast

A lesson from James 4:13-17 called “Do Not Boast.”  Explores the motivations behind boasting breaking the illusions of control and attitudes of entitlement.  This section ties closely with all of chapter 3 and that is briefly explored.  The video lesson “Do Not Boast” from the North Penn YouTube channel is first, with the lesson outline below.

Do Not Boast

The problem

  • It is the illusion of control – Counterpoint: John 1:10-13
  • It is the attitude of entitlement– Veritasim illustration, Luke 14:7-11 – banquet; Luke 18:9-14 – Pharisee and the tax collector.

The forgotten purpose of our lives.

  • To spend on what they want? 4:3; Luke 12:16-31- bigger barns; Isaiah 22:13
  • To use for God’s glory? 1:27; Luke 16:9 – shrewd manager; Luke 12:35-48 – To the one whom much is given much is required.
  • “The good we know to do”