Fruit of the Spirit – Love – Galatians 5:22

Fruit of the Spirit – Love – Galatians 5:22-23

Concepts of love

  • Eros – Romantic – we should talk about this in the church, there is a healthy, Biblical view of this.
  • Philia – Friends, “brothers” (Philadelphia – for those in the NE)
  • Storge – Family
  • Agape – Unconditional, altruistic
  • Bible’s use of particularly philia and agape is much more nuanced and blurred. Need a more organic approach, and if we think about it, we know this is true.

Clearing our focus

  • Luke 6:27-31 – these actions lead us to a change in attitude – we begin to care as we show love.
  • Let’s not distill a version of this love into something sterile.
  • The act must work its way to the heart
  • It’s not a fruit otherwise – Galatians 2:22
  • Let’s look at it from this angle – 1 Corinthians 13 – it’s not love if there isn’t compassion, depth.

Spirit lead

  • Does not allow for self-justification – Luke 10:25-37 – point – everyone is our neighbor, everyone is our responsibility
  • It must communicate something to the world, the world can understand – even with its imperfect understanding of love, what we are doing should resonate deeply with the lost – John 13:35
  • Must come deep from within – 1 Peter 1:22
  • The world can imitate for a while, but the veneer wears thin over the long haul if not from the Spirit.