Our Gifts for His Glory

Title:  Our Gifts for His Glory

Text:  Acts 17:24-28

What is a gift?

  • Something without strings attached – Genesis 23:10-16, I Corinthians 2:12
  • Something we have thought about – Genesis 43:11, Mark 14:1-9
  • Something we have paid for or made – II Samuel 24:18-25

Perspective One

  • “I have talents and abilities and assets I can chose to craft, develop and give to God… and I give at my prerogative. Or not.”
    • Nebuchadnezzar – Daniel 4:30
    • Herod – Acts 12:21
    • Pharisee vs. tax collector – Luke 18:9-14
    • Parable of the bigger barns – Luke 12:18

Perspective Two

  • We give You what is Yours
  • Solomon – I Kings 8:22ff
  • Psalm 50:9-12
  • Acts 17:24-28