
Title:  Philip

Text:  Acts 8

An outsider’s perspective, part I

  • A Hellenist like the other chosen six – Acts 6:5
  • Did not get bogged down in times of trouble – Acts 8:4-5
  • Reached out to those not like himself….


  • The apostles and the Samaritans….
    • God puts reconciliation in our hands – 8:14-17
    • John Boanerges – Luke 9:54
    • Shows the Samaritans they are accepted
    • The schism between Jew and Samaritan is bridged in Christ
  • Simon – conversion is a matter of the heart

An outsider’s perspective, part II

  • Did what God told him to do – Acts 8:26-30
  • Saw the opportunity and knew what to do – 8:30
  • Knew Jesus is the point of scripture – 8:32-35
  • Explained what was necessary – 8:36-38