Speaking Justice

Title:  Speaking Justice (Talking it Out)


  • Check your motives – James 3:3-12
  • Be gentle – Proverbs 15:1 Philippians 4:5
  • Recognize God is in the mix – Matthew 18:15; Philippians 2:12-13


  • Don’t jump to conclusions – II Samuel 16:1-4, 19:24-28
  • Don’t think you understand perfectly – James 1:19, Proverbs 29:20, Proverbs 18:17

Be willing to get vulnerable

  • You will hear things you don’t like – Galatians 2:11-14, II Peter 3:15
  • It can/will hurt! Philippians 2:3-8

Assume the best

  • Trust people are speaking the truth in love – Ephesians 4:15, 29
  • Think the best of each other – Philippians 4:8-9