Stephan – The First Martyr

Title:  Stephan – The First Martyr

Text:  Acts 6 and 7

Clarification – The word translated “witness” in our English Bibles comes from the NT Greek word martyr.

Given responsibility….

  • Full of the Spirit and wisdom – 6:3
  • Allowed for others to do the work they needed to do – 6:2-4
  • Went beyond given responsibilities (gaining talents?) – 6:8-10
  • God’s kingdom grew – 6:7

Stephen’s gifts….

  • Miraculous – 6:8
  • Knew scripture and how to use it – 6:10
    • His Defense
      • To the charge of blasphemy
        • Gives God His due – 7:2; 32-34; 48-50
      • Disrespectful of place
      • God is not contained in place 7:48-50
      • It’s all about Jesus – 7:52
    • Brave – 7:51-56
    • Forgiving – 7:59-60