Strengthening the Body, Engaging the World

Title:  Strengthening the Body, Engaging the World

Text:  II Corinthians 10:1-6

Must have a standard for interpretation

  • Tied to God’s will and work… John 5:19-20, 30
  • Allows for proper interpretation – John 7:21-24
  • Tied to what God has revealed – Mark 12:28-35

Must teach new generation….

  • Judges 2:10-11
  • II Kings 22:8-23:3
  • Proverbs ch. 1-9
  • I Timothy 1:18
  • Titus 1:4

World engagement

  • Acts 1:8-9 – Spirit empowered
  • I Corinthians 5:9-10
  • II Corinthians 10 – Starts with the church, expands to the world….