Taming the Tongue in an Unbridled World

Taming the Tongue in an Unbridled World, taken from James 3:1-12.  The outline is below the video.

Taming the Tongue in an Unbridled World

Warnings for Teachers

  • We are called to account for what we say….
  • Doctrinal purity – Galatians 1:6-9; I Timothy 4:16
  • Motivation – Philippians 1:15-18 (Paul is kind here); II Corinthians 2:17

The power of the tongue

  • We can tame animals
  • We can tame the seas
  • The tongue is wilder than both…
    • Teaching
    • Boasting
    • Vitriol
  • It controls us when we should control it…
    • An illustration – Acts 19:13-16
    • We need to be careful and committed to Jesus’ Lordship….

What we are called to….

  • Theme of “double-mindedness” in James 3:9-12; Matthew 12:33-37 – what are we filling our hearts with?
  • Love local – Compare with I John 4:20-21



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