The Messiah – The Willing Participants

“The Messiah – The Willing Participants” is a lesson in anticipation of the birth of Jesus focusing on the few months before He was born.  Three characters stand out as willing facilitators of God’s plan.  The outline of the lesson is below the video presentation.


The Messiah – The Willing Participants

Matthew 1

Luke 1

Zechariah (from Luke)

  • “What was that last part?” – v. 18 – probably couldn’t get past the “You are going to have a son” part at first.
  • God’s purposes – His time and way.
  • May be painful
  • We may not understand.
  • Zechariah is finally all in – v. 57ff.

Joseph (from Matthew)

  • Has God’s ways in mind
    • Like his ancestor David? – Acts 13:22
    • Righteousness leading to mercy – v. 18-19
  • Fulfills a vital role
    • Jesus traced to David through Joseph – v. 16, 21
    • Father – names, leads, protects


  • Incredible risk – Matt. 1:19
  • Does not ask for proof, asks for clarification – Luke 1:34
  • Submits to God’s will – Luke 1:38
  • Recognizes what God is doing – Luke 1:46-55

How about us?

  • Like Zechariah, doing it God’s way, coming around when God leads
  • Like Joseph, following despite cultural norms
  • Like Mary, trusting and submitting fully to God.

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