Galen Harrill

Galen Harrill's passion for the church developed as he saw God working powerfully in his native Northeast through the individual and collective activities of churches throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. His participation in these works greatly matured his love of service in a cause greater than himself and challenged him to seek how he might further God's Kingdom wherever God placed him. In college, he gained experience in ministry and missions as he served internships in Illinois, California and Kenya. After earning degrees at Abilene Christian University, he worked with a small church in Philadelphia while preparing to go abroad. In 1995 he moved to Prague, Czech Republic to serve with a church planting team among a predominately atheistic population. It was there he faced his greatest challenges as he grew to understand the limitless power of faith working in the lives of God's people. He met and married his wife while serving in Prague and two of their three children were born there. They returned to the States in 2005 and moved to Pennsylvania, where Galen has worked as a special education teacher and itinerant preacher. Officially, he has served with churches in East Lansdowne, Pottstown and North Wales, PA. He currently preaches at the North Penn Church of Christ in North Wales. While serving as preacher for this congregation over the past three years, Galen has helped to nurture this loving congregation to greater depths and heights of love and service for Christ. Galen holds two bachelor's degrees in Biblical Studies and Human Communication and two master's degrees in Missions and Educational Leadership. He lives in Lancaster County with his wife and three children.

Laughing With You or Laughing At You

Child playing in a sprinkler

Laughing with you or laughing at you?

I’m not sure anyone gets through the public school system without getting bullied.  Growing up, it was a fact of life for me and just about anyone I knew, perpetrated by those who, in retrospect, had some difficult home lives.  I developed an allergy to folks laughing at me.  So, when as a fairly young boy I dropped a hose with one of those trigger nozzles on the ground only to get a generous face full of water in the presence of my grandpa and dad, I didn’t react well to them laughing.  They tried to explain and apologize, but while I accepted the apology, understanding came much later.  The distinguishing characteristics between laughing with someone and laughing at someone are subtle.

Part of dealing with this, for sure, is learning how to take ourselves less seriously than we do.  Getting laughed at hurts our pride.  In the movie “The Mission,” Mendoza’s (Robert De Niro) prized possession was his pride – and when Gabriel (Jeremy Irons) openly admitted to laughing at him because of the pathetic position his pride had put him in, it was the start of Mendoza’s healing and redemption.  And you know what?  Laughing in the Bible is often of this sort.  We see that in Psalm 2:4 or 59:8, where the Lord laughs at those who set themselves against Him.  It is ridiculous for anyone to think they could thwart God – laughable.  It is also a warning in places like Ezekiel 22:4 to turn to God and see Him fully.  If that’s what it takes for repentance, then even this kind of laughter is good.

But then there is the other kind of laughter.  It’s the laughing with.  That’s the kind of laughing my dad and grandpa were really engaged in when I got that face full of water.  Sure, it was funny, but it’s deeper than that because as family our experiences are shared.  We all have skin in the game so to speak.  Healthy families don’t laugh at each other, they laugh with each other, drawing from wells of belonging.  That’s what happens in God’s family too.  It happens in Psalm 126:2 when God calls all His children together in restoration and their joy is complete in His blessings.  Jesus echoes that sentiment in Luke 6:21, where mourning will turn to laughter.  He further makes clear the source of our rejoicing (which also draws from a shared reality) – that our names written in heaven (Luke 10:20).  Together.

I’ve been reflecting on this as I contemplate the joy I have in being with my brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a like-mindedness springing from a Christlike attitude, and share in a same love, dedicated to being one in spirit and purpose (see Philippians 2).  I shouldn’t be surprised at this joy, but sometimes it is overwhelming, especially when I compare it with so many of my other interactions.  Let the world laugh at us – we’re laughing with each other.

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Fly Eagles Fly

Fly Eagles Fly

I think it will be immediately clear I’m not getting too deep today.  Church on Sunday was a sea of green: Eagle’s green.  I’ve never seen a sports jacket worn over a football team tee, but it worked.  Now, not everyone was in green.  I wasn’t.  It just never crossed my mind.  And we do have two KC fans who came resplendent in red.  We had a few more sports allusions throughout worship than usual (hey, if Paul can do it, we can too!), and afterwards we had a fellowship meal where everyone spoke to everyone else, in keeping with our allegiance to the Prince of Peace.  We joked about it but of course it goes much deeper than that – we have sincere love for one another, heart to heart.  Over goulash, spaghetti, poppyseed chicken, pineapple upside down cake, peanut butter pie etc., there were a lot of conversations about who was going to win and why, along with a lot of conversations trying their best steer clear of the topic, mainly in vain.  In the end, the Eagles lost.

“Well, this doesn’t have much to do with my spiritual life.”  No, it doesn’t – unless you see every moment as a blessing and every interaction with our brothers and sisters in Christ as a gift from God.  We share our incandescent joys and those that just make us chuckle.  We cry with one another, sometimes from deep pain, and sometimes because we’re just tired that week.  We grapple with great spiritual truths and conundrums.  We plan for quarterly classes and discuss how to grow the church.  And we talk about car trouble, sprained ankles, the price of eggs, and sports.  But none of those things are our binding agents.  Rather, it is God working who knits us together from all our sometimes wildly disparate threads to make us one….

As for the birds, there’s always next year….

Fly Eagles Fly

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Snow Geese and Job

Snow Geese and Job

Despite Punxsutawney Phil’s shadowy prognostications, the snow geese are making their way back to the tundra from parts south.  We’re on a major snow goose route and have been watching them fly overhead for about two weeks now.  They cover barren farmland fields making them winter-like in white, which is fine since we haven’t had much snow this season.  With their higher pitched honk than their Canadian cousins and their relentless drive to move on (unlike their Canadian cousins), they are pleasant reminders of the moving of the seasons at God’s bidding.

We think we know why they start to migrate.  We think it has something to do with the lengthening and shortening of days.  We also think their brains have some sort of built-in magnetic-like compass to help them differentiate north from south.  We think all this because we’ve done tons of research; we may just be right.  But it doesn’t lessen the wonder for me.  And every time I see them, my thoughts turn to Job chapters 38-41.

These chapters really are straight out of another dimension.  Job has suffered for no real reason.  (I’ve talked about Satan and reason here.)  He’s done some complaining.  He’s asked for answers.  He’s crossed some lines.  Instead of answering, God comes back at Job with an avalanche of His own questions Job can’t begin to answer.  The point?  We can’t even scratch the surface of how God has everything worked out.

But it’s the questions that fascinate me, and ultimately, they fascinated Job.  Consider his answer – “Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know (Job 42:3)…”

I really don’t think God intends to shut us up.  “…too wonderful for me to know….”  You see, I think the wonder is key.  I think to delve and discover and try to understand life, creation, humanity, sin, salvation, the universe, quarks… all that stuff… and ultimately God Himself… well… God loves to see us do it.  And if we can’t understand it, to finally be awestruck by it.  “O the depths and the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable His judgements and His ways beyond tracing out (Romans 11:33)!

In the end, Job is blessed doubly.  In maybe not such a small way I share in that blessing every time I see the snow geese making their way back home….

Job 38

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Rest and Rejuvenation

“Rest and Rejuvenation” is a sermon presented on February 4, 2023.  We explore the need for rest and some biblical foundations for rest.  The outline follows the video.


Rest and Rejuvenation

Our problem

  • We’re not sure it’s okay
    • We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes – Elizabeth Mills – possible she did not write the chorus.
    • Early to bed…. Benjamin Franklin

We don’t understand what it is….

  • Sluggard – 14 times in Proverbs; a couple of my favorites – 10:26; 26:14-16
  • Make the most of every opportunity – Ephesians 5:15-16
  • Sabbath rest is promised in Heaven; can we rest now? – Hebrews 4

What is the Biblical perspective?

  • Exodus 16:29; 20:8-10
  • Matthew 11:28-29
  • Mark 4:35-39
  • Mark 2:27


  • Rest – Mark 6:31 – even when there is good work to do.
  • Refresh – Exodus 23:12; II Samuel 16:14
  • Remind – Psalm 121 – God is in control.  

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Frustrate or Facilitate?

Frustrate or Facilitate?

When I was in college, a Muppets-based breakfast cereal came out called “Croonchy Stars,” inspired by the Swedish Chef.  The box was hilarious.  Among the many ridiculous things written was a contest to find out how many times you could find the word “rutabaga” on the box.  You were to send your answers in for some kind of prize, I think.  The instructions, however, made it clear that the word did not count in the actual instructions for the contest given on said box.  You had to find it elsewhere.  Ah, there it was, in the lines, “This is a perfect rutabaga you see, but it doesn’t count when it is in poetry.”  Scratch that.  It also had “rutaba – almost.” There was one inside the box – no go, that was not on the box – crazy prepositions.  Even thinking about it right now after all these years I’m laughing, and I’m afraid my wife is going to ask me why!

What is not funny is when you find yourself in some type of situation that is more serious than breakfast cereal with real barriers.  It’s exasperating when the goal is clear but the way is blocked. I consider these “bricks without straw” situations, like when Pharaoh told the Israelites they had too much time on their hands and were thus forced to make the same daily quota of bricks without the benefit of the previously supplied straw.  They had to get it themselves.  Jesus Himself excoriated the pharisees for shutting the doors of heaven in people’s faces, not entering themselves and not allowing others to enter.

Obviously, some things carry more weight than others – but while I’m here pondering these things, I may as well ask – how easy do I make it for people to reach the things that are truly necessary for human flourishing?  Do I frustrate or facilitate?  I don’t mean ensuring everyone gets what they want – rather that I do everything possible to help others thrive in God’s goodness, taking joy in theirs.  Far be it from me to stand in the way of that!

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Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Like a Tree Planted by Streams is a lesson from Psalm 1.  The outline is under the video link.

Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Psalm 1

The Imagery:

  • A tree
  • Planted by a stream
  • Producing fruit in season
  • Never withering


  • Blown away
  • ….

The Connection:

  • The righteous
    • Plant themselves in God’s law
    • Draw on it day and night
    • A life of meaning
  • The wicked
    • No meaning, dry, useless life
  • The point – this is a warning and an admonition – don’t be the wicked!
  • We can reach out, and should

The stretch

  • What happens when a whole bunch of trees come together?
  • Everything is improved!
  • Let’s plant ourselves together by that stream….

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After the Spiritual Battle

After the Spiritual Battle

I Kings 18 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.  I won’t retell the story (you can read it here), but this is where Elijah calls out those prophets of Baal and has a little contest.  God proves to the people He is in fact God by listening to Elijah’s prayer and sending fire to consume a water-saturated sacrifice after the prophets of Baal had no success with their own bone-dry offering.  As many times as I’ve read this, and what happened in chapter 19 after the spiritual battle, I always come away with some new insight, some new thought.  This time, I didn’t even read it.  Life intersected with my memory of this story and bought me something new.

You may have noticed it’s been a couple of weeks since my last article.  It was a tough December/January.  I won’t go into great detail, but on several levels, we felt like the devil himself was after us.  Which, to be clear, is always the case with God’s people.  It just felt more concentrated and manifested itself in all-too-concrete ways this time.  What did we do?  We prayed.  And we trusted.  But it was still quite the month.  God didn’t send fire from heaven at our request.  But He did give us deliverance in the form of answers and assurances.  And we thanked Him.

Often, however, after getting through difficult slogs, there is the crash.  I myself often get sick, like I did after my grandma’s funeral.  Sure, the hardest part is over and there is relief, but the reverberations from the battle still echo.  Maybe you replay things in your mind, and you find you’re really quite exhausted and hope nothing else is coming your way for a bit.

That didn’t look like it was going to happen for Elijah.  Jezebel is still queen.  She still holds Ahab’s heart.  And she is raging after Elijah with blood on her mind.  Elijah runs away and prays to God for God to take him before finally falling asleep, exhausted, under a broom tree.  God isn’t going to take him yet – He rather provides him with food and tells him to take a trip.  Which he does – to Mt. Horeb, also known as Sinai of Exodus fame.  This must be God’s favorite mountain….

Elijah goes to sleep in a cave, which seems awfully metaphorical to me, but I’ll leave that for another time.  Upon awaking, God asks him what he is doing there.  Thus begins a conversation where neither Elijah nor God answers the other directly.  First, Elijah pours out his complaints and God tells him to get out of the cave and stand on the mountain in His presence.  Several scary things happen while Elijah is standing there – a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire in quick succession.  The important thing to note here is that God is not in any of those things.  Oh, He could have been, but He wasn’t.  Rather, He comes in the gentle whisper that follows.  God asks again, “What are you doing here?”  Elijah repeats the same complaints.  I think God takes that to mean Elijah is not particularly doing anything there and therefore has time to do something useful.  He gives him a few jobs.

This is the kicker for me – God never chews Elijah out.  He never blows him off, shakes him out, or burns him.  He never says, “Come on already!  I sent fire from heaven for you!  What else do you want??”  He doesn’t yell, “Don’t you get it already?  I’m with you, you don’t have anything to be afraid of!”  He didn’t begrudge him the forty days off.  God wasn’t in the hurricane or the earthquake or the fire, He came in the gentle whisper to a man who needed to regain perspective.

And I take it this way – after the spiritual battle, God is okay with us taking some time to lick our wounds.  He’s okay with waiting to tell us what He wants us to do next.  He understands our frailty and accommodates accordingly.  I, for one, and very glad of it….

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Playing to Our Strengths

Playing to Our Strengths

The first time I beat my dad in ping-pong was on his 40th birthday.  He proceeded to shellack me for the next few weeks, but I already digress.  I loved ping-pong and was pretty good at it as long as I didn’t have to go against any southpaws.  When I moved to Prague to do mission work, I bought a ping-pong table and set it up in my apartment living room as a way to reach out to folks.  It was a hit and we set up a lot of Bible studies over ping-pong.  Anything interesting from the world of ping-pong caught my attention, but one particular factoid I gleaned from somewhere during high school is still lodged in my head.  This is where I finally get on track.

Growing up, the Chinese were almost unbeatable in world-champion and Olympic ping-pong.  I read their strength came from focusing on their strengths and not trying to work on their weaknesses.  They became so overwhelming in their particular strengths they never gave their opponents the chance to exploit their weaknesses.

And it strikes me – in our Christian walk, do we play to our strengths or our weaknesses?  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the false stuff the world throws at me, the myriad “reasons” why it won’t follow Christ, and why I should just keep my head down and be quiet.  Truth be told, I can’t keep up with all the arguments people throw against following.  It’s bewildering – the information overload is too great to process, let alone combat.

We don’t have to – not if we play to our strengths.  And let’s face it, the reason why they are so powerful is because they aren’t “our strengths.”  They belong to Jesus, who strengthens us.  What did Jesus do?  He changed people’s lives by loving them into the Kingdom.  He didn’t coerce.  He didn’t go for any jugulars.  When He was critical, it was against people who should have known better – people with religious credibility who were keeping others out of the Kingdom by withholding compassion… mercy… love.

Think about this – we all have someone or group of someones we just can’t see coming to Jesus.  I submit it’s probably because we haven’t been playing to our strengths.  We haven’t been loving like Jesus….

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The Messiah – The Willing Participants

“The Messiah – The Willing Participants” is a lesson in anticipation of the birth of Jesus focusing on the few months before He was born.  Three characters stand out as willing facilitators of God’s plan.  The outline of the lesson is below the video presentation.


The Messiah – The Willing Participants

Matthew 1

Luke 1

Zechariah (from Luke)

  • “What was that last part?” – v. 18 – probably couldn’t get past the “You are going to have a son” part at first.
  • God’s purposes – His time and way.
  • May be painful
  • We may not understand.
  • Zechariah is finally all in – v. 57ff.

Joseph (from Matthew)

  • Has God’s ways in mind
    • Like his ancestor David? – Acts 13:22
    • Righteousness leading to mercy – v. 18-19
  • Fulfills a vital role
    • Jesus traced to David through Joseph – v. 16, 21
    • Father – names, leads, protects


  • Incredible risk – Matt. 1:19
  • Does not ask for proof, asks for clarification – Luke 1:34
  • Submits to God’s will – Luke 1:38
  • Recognizes what God is doing – Luke 1:46-55

How about us?

  • Like Zechariah, doing it God’s way, coming around when God leads
  • Like Joseph, following despite cultural norms
  • Like Mary, trusting and submitting fully to God.

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Anticipating the Messiah

Anticipating the Messiah is a lesson from Micah 4 and 5 focusing on the coming of Jesus.  The outline follows the video lesson.
  Anticipating the Messiah Micah 4 and 5 We are forward thinkers….
  • Eternity set in our hearts – Ecclesiastes 3:11
    • What did Israel anticipate in the days of Micah?
    • Assyrian victory over Israel; Judah threatened – II Kings 16 & 17
  • Deliverance is always in following God’s instruction…
    • “In the last days” 4:1 – always Messianic.
    • Spoken of as done – 4:1, 4
    • God’s instruction transforms – 4:2-4
The Messiah is the ultimate promise
  • God raises Him from unexpected places – 5:2
    • God’s ways are not ours – Isaiah 55:8-9
  • He shepherds – 5:3-4
  • He brings peace – 5:5-6
  • He gives power to His own 5:7-15
    • Refreshing as the dew – v. 7; Acts 3:19
    • Powerful as a lion – v. 8
    • Triumphant – 5:9; I Corinthians 10:3-5 (This is decidedly unwarlike in the New Covenant)
    • God brings the victory – 5:10-15

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