Lesson Outlines

God’s Authority over Evil Explained

God’s authority over evil explained is covered in Revelation 4:1 – 8:6. This lesson was presented to the North Penn Church of Christ in March, 2024.  Click on the link below to download the PDF.

Revelation 4-8 God’s authority over evil explained

Rest and Rejuvenation

“Rest and Rejuvenation” is a sermon presented on February 4, 2023.  We explore the need for rest and some biblical foundations for rest.  The outline follows the video.


Rest and Rejuvenation

Our problem

  • We’re not sure it’s okay
    • We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes – Elizabeth Mills – possible she did not write the chorus.
    • Early to bed…. Benjamin Franklin

We don’t understand what it is….

  • Sluggard – 14 times in Proverbs; a couple of my favorites – 10:26; 26:14-16
  • Make the most of every opportunity – Ephesians 5:15-16
  • Sabbath rest is promised in Heaven; can we rest now? – Hebrews 4

What is the Biblical perspective?

  • Exodus 16:29; 20:8-10
  • Matthew 11:28-29
  • Mark 4:35-39
  • Mark 2:27


  • Rest – Mark 6:31 – even when there is good work to do.
  • Refresh – Exodus 23:12; II Samuel 16:14
  • Remind – Psalm 121 – God is in control.  

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Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Like a Tree Planted by Streams is a lesson from Psalm 1.  The outline is under the video link.

Like a Tree Planted by Streams

Psalm 1

The Imagery:

  • A tree
  • Planted by a stream
  • Producing fruit in season
  • Never withering


  • Blown away
  • ….

The Connection:

  • The righteous
    • Plant themselves in God’s law
    • Draw on it day and night
    • A life of meaning
  • The wicked
    • No meaning, dry, useless life
  • The point – this is a warning and an admonition – don’t be the wicked!
  • We can reach out, and should

The stretch

  • What happens when a whole bunch of trees come together?
  • Everything is improved!
  • Let’s plant ourselves together by that stream….

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The Messiah – The Willing Participants

“The Messiah – The Willing Participants” is a lesson in anticipation of the birth of Jesus focusing on the few months before He was born.  Three characters stand out as willing facilitators of God’s plan.  The outline of the lesson is below the video presentation.


The Messiah – The Willing Participants

Matthew 1

Luke 1

Zechariah (from Luke)

  • “What was that last part?” – v. 18 – probably couldn’t get past the “You are going to have a son” part at first.
  • God’s purposes – His time and way.
  • May be painful
  • We may not understand.
  • Zechariah is finally all in – v. 57ff.

Joseph (from Matthew)

  • Has God’s ways in mind
    • Like his ancestor David? – Acts 13:22
    • Righteousness leading to mercy – v. 18-19
  • Fulfills a vital role
    • Jesus traced to David through Joseph – v. 16, 21
    • Father – names, leads, protects


  • Incredible risk – Matt. 1:19
  • Does not ask for proof, asks for clarification – Luke 1:34
  • Submits to God’s will – Luke 1:38
  • Recognizes what God is doing – Luke 1:46-55

How about us?

  • Like Zechariah, doing it God’s way, coming around when God leads
  • Like Joseph, following despite cultural norms
  • Like Mary, trusting and submitting fully to God.

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Anticipating the Messiah

Anticipating the Messiah is a lesson from Micah 4 and 5 focusing on the coming of Jesus.  The outline follows the video lesson.
  Anticipating the Messiah Micah 4 and 5 We are forward thinkers….
  • Eternity set in our hearts – Ecclesiastes 3:11
    • What did Israel anticipate in the days of Micah?
    • Assyrian victory over Israel; Judah threatened – II Kings 16 & 17
  • Deliverance is always in following God’s instruction…
    • “In the last days” 4:1 – always Messianic.
    • Spoken of as done – 4:1, 4
    • God’s instruction transforms – 4:2-4
The Messiah is the ultimate promise
  • God raises Him from unexpected places – 5:2
    • God’s ways are not ours – Isaiah 55:8-9
  • He shepherds – 5:3-4
  • He brings peace – 5:5-6
  • He gives power to His own 5:7-15
    • Refreshing as the dew – v. 7; Acts 3:19
    • Powerful as a lion – v. 8
    • Triumphant – 5:9; I Corinthians 10:3-5 (This is decidedly unwarlike in the New Covenant)
    • God brings the victory – 5:10-15

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Creating Thanksgiving in Corinth

“Creating Thanksgiving in Corinth” is a lesson for Thanksgiving from II Corinthians.  The outline follows the video.
  Creating Thanksgiving in Corinth II Corinthians The certainty of thanksgiving – II Cor. 1:8-11
  • We may experience hardship – we will see this in every passage we look at in II Corinthians.
  • God sees us through
  • Our prayers express our hopes
  • Our hopes, when realized, leads to thanks
God moves in ways that breed thanksgiving….
  • II Cor. 2:12-17
  • Titus and Paul in two places – This adds something to the Acts 16 account.
  • Christ is preached, people are saved
  • Thanksgiving ensues
Spiritual dimension
  • II Corinthians 4:13-15
  • We are blessed with salvation
  • This salvation spreads
  • Leads to thanksgiving
Physical dimension – Chapters 8 and 9 are the most extensive treatment on giving in the New Testament.
  • The Macedonians gave out of hardship
  • II Corinthians 8:16 – Titus
    •  Thankful for like-minded people
    • The church
  • II Corinthians 9:11-15 – Generosity
    • Thanksgiving from the receivers
    • Blessings for the givers

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